Hospital Music on The Fox

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Matt wrote a post the other night about an appearance on 99.3 the Fox’s Rock Report today at 6:00pm [CFOX]. As the launch date of Hospital Music nears his schedule gets pretty full but he’s keeping fans and the reader community of his website pretty well updated.

We will be streaming ‘Born Losers’ on the website starting at 7:00pm PST. You be able to listen to ‘Born Losers’ here on the site, on the MySpace Hospital Facilities page, and on the Virb page. []

Photo credit: Dan Lilly on Flickr

I was running late coming home from work so I called John to make sure he could start recording. I arrived on time and we listened to the entire interview [Audio]

Todd and Danger from the Rock Report chit chatted with Matt before he picked up his guitar and played “Metal Airplanes” followed by “I’m a Window”. The hosts kept forgetting the name of the album (and not paying attention), which was pretty rude and is slightly annoying. They cut Matt off because Puddle of Mudd arrived in the building. I’m sorry but that’s ridiculous.

It seemed that the way that the interview unfolded took a bit of wind out of what Matt had prepared, having heard him perform a few songs he was thinking of doing for the show yesterday. Yet in listening to his acoustic version of Metal Airplanes, I thought what I’ve always though about Matthew: The man perseveres and cuts through bullshit like the sharpest of steak knives. Considering Matt offered one of the highest compliments I’ve heard on air from a musician about a station (that being that he considers CFOX the station that sparked his career, playing Alabama Motel Room), both interviewers seemed to me to be bleeding themselves through questions altogether weak and irrelevant, revealing both an apparent lack of interest and knowledge of what Matt was up to, compared to the way they spoke to Wes Skantlin from Puddle of Mudd. [Dale on]

After the two acoustic performances they launched in and spun Hospital Music’s first single: Born Losers. The music is amazing and worth far greater appreciation (or at least respect) than received in the Fox studio.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. KevBoSunday, June 3rd, 2007 — 9:30am PDT

    I wasnt impressed with the radio show at all because A) it wasnt long enough B) the hosts werent caring at all (as you pointed out) and C) they ‘bumped’ matt for puddle of mudd.

    Other than hearing matt play the songs it was just wasted time.

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