Wednesday night kicked off Vancouver Fashion Week at Leone’s downtown (you can read BR’s review here) and today Canadian and local designers were showcased at Storyeum in Gastown. Photo credit: Phillip Jeffrey on Flickr Today it was all about the latest environmentally-conscious garb with an eco-friendly design spotlight and on Saturday VFW goes global with […]
This morning I’m at the Terminal City Club downtown for the SMEI Social Media Roadshow. Last year I attended an SMEI (Sales & Marketing & Executives International, Inc.) function and met Mhairi Petrovic of Out-Smarts Social Media Marketing and since then I’ve bumped into her at several community events. She was also a speaker at […]
Unfortunately, John and I were unable to use my passes last night so I asked someone to go in our place and write a recap post for my site. As a result Richard Loat (Canucks blogger, fellow Fan Zone blogger, and avid users of Twitter) attended the Sport BC Athlete of the Year Awards and […]
I’m all for events that are a) for the public b) free so I thought I would quickly highlight this Big Rock Brewing meet and greet session that will take place at the BC Liquor Store at 39th & Cambie (5555 Cambie Street). From 3:00pm to 7:00pm on Thursday March 26th Ryan McMahon will be […]
The interactive comedy production Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding has been running downtown for 14 years and at the end of May the Vitale and Nunzio family will be joined in holy and hilarious matrimony for the last time. Photo by: Mischa Bartkow “Tony and Tina’s Wedding is a Vancouver institution,” said publicist and theatre blogger […]