BC’s first province-wide We Heart Local Partnership Program is here. It’s the best way to find local food, making it easy for consumers who are looking for local options. The We Heart Local Partnership Program is designed to provide greater consumer recognition for businesses and restaurants across BC offering local products or ingredients. The We […]
This post has been contributed by Ben Hill, Communications Volunteer with the Stanley Park Ecology Society (“SPES”). I have been following SPES since I moved into the West End almost a decade ago and I have been a member for two years. I wanted to offer the team an opportunity to share their news, events, […]
The Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (“VOKRA”) is hosting their 3rd annual Oscar Party at the Morrissey on Sunday. VOKRA is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing cats around the Lower Mainland and placing them in foster homes, covering costs and providing support. Their Oscar parties combine a red carpet experience with an evening of […]
The 2014 Scotiabank Bowl for Big Brothers Classic returns this spring as the largest fundraising event of its kind in North America. Over 2,500 participants will take to their local bowling alleys as 250 team raise pledges in support of Big Brothers mentoring programs throughout the Lower Mainland. This is an opportunity to have a […]
Though it’s commonly known outside of the country as a beanie, wool hat or a knit-cap, it’s a toque to us and it’s playing an important role on Tuesday as it helps find long term solutions to end homelessness in Canada. Toque Tuesday Toque Tuesday is a part of a national campaign that has been […]