Festival Afloat Vancouver
byRAVEN presents Festival Afloat Vancouver, a concert on the water off Jericho Beach on August 14th featuring Desirée Dawson
RAVEN presents Festival Afloat Vancouver, a concert on the water off Jericho Beach on August 14th featuring Desirée Dawson
The Burrard Chinook, Translink’s latest SeaBus, features artwork from three Indigenous artists Kelly Cannell, Siobhan Joseph, and Angela George from the three local Nations
The Arts Council of New Westminster is hosting Expressions of Reclamation, an Indigenous artists talks series on now until August 12, 2021
Indigenous Youth are Overrepresented Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness – see how CHV marked Indigenous Peoples Day and more
National Indigenous Peoples Day – Who We Are Film Series – Presented by VIFF and the MOV, available online June 21 to July 4, 2021