Bad Dog Productions presents its highly successful Western Canadian exclusive production of The Hound of the Baskervilles in Vancouver at Studio 1398 on Granville Island from Tuesday, April 22nd through to Saturday, May 3rd, 2014. The Hound of the Baskervilles on Granville Island Directed by Langley-based, multi award-winning director, Ellie King, this imaginative and hysterical […]
There are many reasons to love Camilo Dominguez, aka Camilo The Magician. He’s an incredibly talented magician who calls Vancouver home, he’s hosting Magic Summer Camp, his shows often support local causes, and he’s also the inspiration for Said The Whale’s popular song. Born and raised in Colombia, Camilo Dominguez first discovered his passion for […]
The Cultch presents the Canadian premiere of Mies Julie from March 25th to April 19th, 2014. Mies Julie has become an international sensation after being deemed the unqualified favourite of the prestigious Edinburgh Festival Fringe at its international premiere in 2012. This production at The Cultch is one of the highlights of an April filled […]
The Vancouver International Dance Festival (“VIDF”) is now underway at various locations around the city until March 29th. The VIDF presents an extraordinary roster of dance artists and creators featuring a diverse wealth of free and paid events. The festival includes such international icons as China’s Guangdong Modern Dance Company and Spain’s flamenco innovator Israel […]
The third Vancouver Biennale of Public Art will launch this spring with the theme Open Borders/Crossroads Vancouver. 20 prominent pieces, from artists all over the world, will be installed in parks and open spaces around Metro Vancouver including 10 in New Westminster, North Vancouver, and Squamish. Past Vancouver Biennale piece. Photo credit: popejon2 on Flickr […]