It’s a happy Halloween in Vancouver as I watch robots, Lego men, Sailor Moon, and plenty of pirates walk by this morning. I thought it would be fun to check out what Vancouverites did for this haunting occasion in the past but I was unable to find many results for “Halloween” during my research but […]
Yesterday I asked the followers of my Facebook page what the theme of the next Archives Photos of the Day post should be. I had some great suggestions and decided to go with Robert White’s idea of street fashions. While the images were not categorized under a “fashion” tag, I did a little digging and […]
The Stanley Park Ecology Society is hosting a special event during their Annual General Meeting next week. They’re inviting their members and the public to sit in on a presentation from Lyle Dick, Parks Canada Historian. The talk will be about the evolution of Stanley Park as a National Historic Site (designated in 1988) along […]
It was on this day in 1893 that the Hudson’s Bay Company opened a store at the corner of Georgia and Granville streets. 118 years later, the company is still in the same location (albeit in a different building). It’s been a shopping destination, a meeting place, and a gleaming beacon of Canadian pride during […]
The Vancouver Art Gallery is marking their 80th anniversary Wednesday, October 5, 2011. It first opened in 1931 at 1145 West Georgia, a few blocks away from its current location in the old courthouse building, where it moved in 1983. 1931 – Vancouver Art Gallery’s original location under construction. Archives item# Bu P401.1. Photographer: Stuart […]