The annual No Pants SkyTrain Ride is coming up on January 8th presented by Improv Anywhere. Credit: Francis Georgian o/b Improv Anywhere No Pants SkyTrain Ride When: Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 2:30pm (rain or shine) Where: Meet up at the Commercial-Broadway Skytrain Station (South side, by ticket machines). Make sure you have valid fare. […]
The Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards are an annual awards ceremony and party produced by the Jessie Richardson Theatre Award Society to celebrate and promote the outstanding achievements of the Vancouver Professional Theatre Community. Miss604 has been the official blogger of the ceremony for the past few years and to kick off 2017, I’ve partnered with […]
The second annual Women in Tech Week takes place February 27-March 3 across Canada, bringing together local tech communities across Canada to recognize the contributions women have made in the tech industry and highlighting opportunities to engage women and youth in the future. Women in Tech Week Through a series of live and online events, […]
A new year has been rung in and while we look ahead to what 2017 might bring, here’s a glimpse at the past to see what our city was like back in 1917. Vancouver in 1917 Thanks to the late, great Chuck Davis for his History of Metropolitan Vancouver that was used as a reference. […]
Translink has announced that once again there will be free transit New Year’s Eve in Metro Vancouver. From 5:00pm on December 31, 2016 until 5:00am on January 1, 2017 there will be no charge to ride the entire system and all fare gates will be open.