Powell Street Festival Society Announces Stewardship of 360 Riot Walk
byPowell Street Festival Society announces stewardship of 360 Riot Walk with online panel discussions and live walking tours May to September, 2021.
Powell Street Festival Society announces stewardship of 360 Riot Walk with online panel discussions and live walking tours May to September, 2021.
ParkerArtSalon Online Auction and New Exhibitions May 2021. Presenting “Essential Travel” an online art auction alongside two gallery exhibitions around Vancouver
Got Craft? Virtual Market: Spring Edition is online April 21 to May 2, 2021. Enter to win a prize pack from Miss604.
Bridal Veil Mountain Resort Proposed for Chilliwack – The BVMR Expression of Interest is now available on the project’s website.
Punjabi Market Public Art Street Banner Project – Curated by the Indian Summer Festival & the Punjabi Market Regenerative Collective, banners feature artwork from Musqueam artist, Debra Sparrow and Jag Nagra, artist and Collective member.