One of the biggest concerns I have right now is not about keeping up with the Summer Games in Beijing in terms of information and results, but how on earth Vancouver will be able to live up to the spectacle witnessed during this year’s opening ceremonies (mostly since ours will be held indoors). BC Place […]
For years the guys over at Raincity Studios have had my back when it comes to social media in this town so naturally when I hear they’re making waves across the globe, I’m happy to report on it.
Overnight, and since my last post, two shifts have started for Blogathon Vancouver 2008. To help keep the bloggers going I have some pledge totals that I have received on the form that I’ll share here… Duane Storey: $205 (and growing by the minute) Danny Dang: $15 (and growing by the minute) Raul Pacheco: $26 […]
There are only seven days left until a group of brave bloggers from around Vancouver (and Canada) join me in the inaugural Blogathon Vancouver July 26th. Based on the Blogathon of the past, which is not in operation this year, bloggers are encouraged to sign up, pick a non-profit of choice, collect pledges (which can […]
Photo credit: Raul on Flickr Walking in to the Cascades Casino in Langley we were turned away immediately. No to worry though, we were actually just redirected to the Coast Hotel around back. We’re sitting in a pretty majestic ballroom with a swanky setup – microphone, projectors, little bitty notepads with the hotel logo on […]