Yoga Date Night at YYoga

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Have you ever tried to get your partner out to yoga with you? Or, are you and your partner both avid yogis? In either case, it just might be time to try Contact Partner Yoga at YYoga.


Yoga Date Night

After 7 years of sold out Yoga Date Night workshops, join Chris Brandt for what may be the final one! The 8th annual Yoga Date Night at YYoga will take place Friday, February 12th (at YYoga Downtown Flow) and Saturday, February 13th (at YYoga Kitsilano) from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

These playful and intimate workshops are designed just for couples and are the perfect Valentine’s weekend date for you and your favourite yogi.

Experience Contact Partner Yoga – a practice that predates Acro Yoga, and that focuses on trust, support, and evolution between partners. This rich, nourishing practice explores duo asana, basic flying techniques, and finishes with luscious Thai Massage. New poses included. Open to all levels. There is even a yoga mudra that increases the power of orgasms – you can practice that as homework.

Only one mat per couple needed. Register online through YYoga or by calling the studios: YYoga Downtown Flow (604) 682-3569 or YYoga Kitsilano (604) 336-4599. The cost is $50 per person. Follow the events on Facebook for more information.

Watershed Snowshoe Tours on Mount Seymour

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Enjoy a different kind of Vancouver walking tour as you step into some snowshoes and discover the connection between the pristine North Shore mountain snow and our drinking water. Metro Vancouver is hosting a dozen watershed snowshoe tours on Mount Seymour this winter where you can learn about your local water supply in a fun and active way.

Snowshoe Tours
Photo courtesy of Metro Vancouver.

Watershed Snowshoe Tours on Mount Seymour

Join Metro Vancouver staff on a guided tour of the peaks towering above the Seymour Valley; one of three places where water for over 2.4 million residents is collected and stored. Discover local plants and animals that call this alpine area home. After a moderately strenuous hike, warm up with a cup of hot cocoa.

Thursdays 6:00pm to 9:30pm
February 11 (registration code 6336)
February 18 (registration code 6338)
February 25 (registration code 6340)
March 3 (registration code 6342)
March 10 (registration code 6344)
March 17 (registration code 6346)
Saturdays 10:00am to 1:30pm
February 13 (registration code 6337)
February 20 (registration code 6339)
February 27 (registration code 6341)
March 12 (registration code 6345)
March 19 (registration code 6347)

Cost: $18 with own snowshoes; $25 includes snowshoes rental
Registration: Call (604) 432-6359 or book online.

This tour is for ages 13+ (17 and under need to be accompanied by an adult). Must be physically capable of hiking up and down steep sections with snowshoes. Follow Metro Vancouver on Twitter and Facebook for more details.

Views from Vancouver, Looking North 1890-1970

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In Downtown Vancouver, we spend a lot of time looking out at the North Shore. Rainbows cut across dark rain clouds, fresh powdery snow covers peaks, and on those really clear days I swear you can see every individual evergreen on the slopes that reach all the way down to Burrard Inlet. Going back 50 to 100 years these landscapes, without any towering obstructions, were much easier to take in all at once:

Views from Vancouver, Looking North 1890-1970

1889. Looking north from Westminster Ave (Main St). Trueman and Caple Photo. Archives# Str P125.

1890. From the Hotel Vancouver. Bailey Bros. Photography. Archives# CVA 371-2591.

1893. From the Hotel Vancouver. Bailey Bros. Photography. Archives# Van Sc P4.

1898. From Seymour St. Archives# Bo P129.2.

1902. From the residence of E.B. Herman at 1287 Robson St. Archives# Van Sc P123.1.

1902. From the residence of E.B. Herman at 1287 Robson St. Archives# Van Sc P123.2.

1902. From the residence of E.B. Herman at 1287 Robson St. Archives# Van Sc P123.3.

1909. View from the Winch Building (Sinclair Centre). Archives# CVA 371-3186.

1929. View with Marine Building under construction. Leonard Frank. Archives# Van Sc P63.2.

1929. View with Marine Building under construction. Archives# CVA 677-690.

1930. Across Burrard Inlet. James Crookall Photo. Archives# CVA 260-331.

1930. From the Hotel Vancouver. Archives# Van Sc P54.

1940s. From the Hotel Vancouver. Artray Photographers. Archives# Air P101.1

1936. From the Second Narrows Bridge. James Crookall Photo. Archives# CVA 260-381.

1940. From the Stanley Park Causeway. Don Coltman Photo and Steffens-Colmer Photo Company. Archives# CVA 586-331.

1953. From the Granville Bridge. Archives# CVA 228-334.

1970s. View of the Westin Bayshore & Stanley Park. Archives# CVA 1435-54.

Read More: Vancouver History, Vancouver Then & Now »

Red Mitten Weekend at the BC Sports Hall of Fame

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The BC Sports Hall of Fame will celebrate Family Day with their annual Red Mitten Weekend happening February 6th to February 8th, 2016.

I believe the snow is glistening

Red Mitten Weekend at BC Sports Hall of Fame

Do you still have some red mittens that helped support Canadian athletes from coast to coast? Bring them to the BC Sports Hall of Fame for free admission (for kids 12 and under).

Where: Gate A at BC Place
When: Open daily 10:00am to 5:00pm
Details: Families will have the opportunity to learn about British Columbia’s history through artifacts and enjoy the benefits of physical activity through our interactive sports games and activities including:

  • Playing ping pong on the table from the Vancouver 2010 Athletes’ Village
  • Getting a photo holding a real 2010 Olympic torch, while standing on the 2010 Olympic podium from BC Place
  • Breaking a sweat in our Participation Zone where they can rock-climb, run, and try hockey shootout skills
  • Watching highlights of the 2010 Games on our big screen
  • Entering a draw for a free one-year Family Membership to the BC Sports Hall of Fame

The Hall’s permanent exhibits and activities will also be accessible throughout the weekend. Break a sweat in the Participation Zone where you can play ping pong on the table used in the 2010 Athletes’ Village, climb a rotating climbing wall, test your time on a 14 meter running track, kick a ball and slap a puck in our sports simulator, play bubble hockey, foosball, Monster Basketball and more.

Follow the BC Sports Hall of Fame on Facebook and Twitter for more special event and exhibit information.

Vancouver Wellness Show

Comments 94 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Wellness Show returns to the Vancouver Convention Centre this month offering three full days of information and exhibits focusing on everything from fitness and pet health, to stress-reduction and cheese seminars. The theme for 2016 is Healthy Families so you’ll be able to gather practical tips on health and well-being for everyone in your family.


Vancouver Wellness Show

Friday, February 12, 2016 from 12:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday, February 13, 2016 from 10:00am to 7:00pm
Sunday, February 14, 2016 from 10:00am to 6:00pm

Last year, more than 30,000 people sampled and chatted with 300 exhibitors, and attended over 100 informative and entertaining seminars, workshops, fitness and cooking demonstrations. Exhibitors focus on health and wellness, beauty, active living, leisure, healthy aging, kids health, mental well-being, pet health, and living green.

Highlights this year include the Organic Market presented by Nesters, the new Healthy Families Zone, the Kids Activity Area, Celebrity Cooking Stage, and the new Relax and Refresh Lounge. Attend a fitness demonstration and try a new way of working out, or get a massage, reflexology or a makeover using organic beauty products.

There are 5 stages featuring Fitness Demonstrations (Ballet Fit, Yoga for Managing Anxiety, Gymnaestrada), Women and Wellness Presentations (Natural Ways to Deal With Life’s Changes, Skin: Glow From the Inside Out, and a Power Panel featuring Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Keri Adams, and Karlene Karst), Living Well Seminars (Stress‹The Hormone Connection, Mindful Relationships, The Overloaded Executive), and the incredibly popular Celebrity Chef Stage, presented by Alligga (featuring Chopped Champion Alana Peckham, Curtis Luk, Dana Hauser, Tobias Grignon, Jesse Jobin, Sarah Stewart, and everyone’s favourite; Tojo). Attend a Cheese Seminar presented by The Dairy Farmers of Canada. Sample and learn about the cheese’s origins and potential pairings.

Tickets are $14.50 (general admission); $12.50 (seniors 65+ & students with valid ID); $6.00 (children); 5 and under are free. New this year, family passes are available at the door for $25 (admission for 2 adults, 2 children). 3 day passes are $30.

Win a Wellness Show Prize Pack

I have a family pack of passes to give away to the Wellness Show along with a gift basket loaded with goodies from Nesters valued at $150.

Here’s how you can enter to win:

  • Leave a comment with a quick everyday wellness tip (1 entry)
  • Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
  • RT to enter to win a prize pack from @thewellnessshow + @Miss604

    Follow the Wellness Show on Twitter and Facebook for more information. I will draw one winner at random from all entries at 12:00pm on Tuesday, February 9, 2015.

    Update The winner is Brenda!