Enjoy Vancouver Parks but stay apart, is the headline of an email I received from the Park Board this morning. Their message urges everyone to continue to practice social distancing even in the open air.
“We’re not to be out playing basketball. We’re not to be out sitting together in large groups at the beach watching the beautiful sunsets that we have,” was the massage from Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC’s Provincial Health Officer on Friday (March 22, 2020).
Since most indoor public places are closed, she does encourage going outside in order to get fresh air and aid with our mental health. However, social distancing is still to be practiced, even in the fresh air.
Social Distancing in Vancouver Parks During COVID-19 Outbreak
People not in self-isolation do not need to remain indoors. However, everyone needs to avoid being in close contact with people in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. To protect yourself and others:
Keep at least 2 metres (6 feet) from others
Visit parks and beaches during less busy times
Limit the number of visits to parks and beaches to provide opportunities for others to access
Avoid gathering in groups
Limit high-touch recreational activities such as volleyball or frisbee
Wash or sanitize hands after touching communal surfaces
Stay home if you are feeling sick, especially if you are coughing or experiencing a fever
The Park Board and City of Vancouver continue to work with public health officials and multiple partners on the COVID-19 response. The situation is evolving quickly so direction from local health authorities and the City of Vancouver may change.
UPDATE from the Park Board March 22, 2020: “We are closing all public outdoor recreation facilities within parks and beaches. Volleyball, skate parks, field sports, tennis, and more are now closed.” Logs are being removed from English Bay Beach and parking lots for Vancouver Parks will be closed.
It’s a live concert from a safe social distance! The Diesel Bird Festival will feature some of Canada’s favourite musicians and hosted by Dan Davidson on Instagram.
Diesel Bird Festival Online
Where:Instagram When: Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 11:00am (March 29 TBA) Cost: FREE
“We have to do our best to take care of each other by staying away from each other,” say festival organizers which include Dan Davidson, Travis Nesbitt, Joel Jelinski, and Chuck Erman. “We want to give music fans an excuse to stay in and enjoy themselves. They can have an intimate music festival right from their couch.”
Confirmed Lineup
Dan Davidson Dallas Smith Tebey Clayton Bellamy Nice Horse Andrew Hyatt Jason Blaine Aaron Goodvin Aaron Pritchett Jo Jo Mason The Recklaws Josh Ramsay Wide Mouth Mason
Jason McCoy Jess Moskaluke Eric Ethridge Meghan Patrick The Dungarees Kristin Carter Matt Lang Shawn Austin JayWalker James Barker Band Corb Lund Big Sugar Shawn Hook
Kudos to the team and Blxck Marketing for getting this up and running so quickly, with some wonderfully consistent branding to boot!
The official schedule has not yet been released (it’s expected Monday, March 23rd) but I’m sure you’ll want to tune in for the whole thing anyway! You can support the effort through donations here which will go to Red Cross Canada. Follow on Facebook for more info and updates.
When I started my company 12 years ago, one of the first (and best) resources I used was Small Business BC. They are continuing to offer support at this time, including creating a lineup of online webinars with relevant topics to help navigate the current business landscape.
Here are the Small Business BC Digital Meetups already on the calendar this month:
According to a survey (conducted by Small Business BC, BC Chamber, Community Futures and BCEDA) 90% of businesses are “currently being impacted by COVID-19”. Of those impacted, 83% are seeing a “drop in revenue, business, or deal flow”. Here are some additional resources:
The office at Waterfront Station remains closed at this time but if you do have any questions you can send a contact form inquiry and follow Small Business BC on Facebook.
It’s Throwback Thursday which means I’m browsing the City of Vancouver Archives (and other online museum resources) for inspiration for this week’s history post. One character that kept popping up in my searches was a mascot, all around town. Turns out it’s Tillicum the Sea Otter, the official mascot of Vancouver’s Centennial (1886-1986).
Vancouver’s Centennial Mascot was Tillicum the Sea Otter
Snapping photos with locals, walking in parades, wearing a sash in official capacity at the PNE, Tillicum had quite the engagement schedule — and would have been totally Insta-famous today. From Canada Place and Science World, to Robson Square and Stanley Park, here are some of Tillicum’s adventures:
Tillicum at the Museum of Vancouver. Archives #2011-010.1950.04
Tillicum at the Pacific Central Station. Archives #2011-010.1947.28
Tillicum at Canada Place. Archives #2011-010.2719
Tillicum at Stanley Park. Archives #2011-010.1948.21
Tillicum at Science World. Archives #2011-010.1947.12
The largest celebration of the Vancouver Centennial was Expo 86, which was opened on May 2nd by Prince Charles and Princess Diana.
They are the friendly faces you see every day on your street corner, but with social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, Megaphone Magazine vendors won’t be out for the foreseeable future. Many of the vendors who rely on street sales will see a significant decrease in their income. The good news is that you can now buy Megaphone Magazine online and support your local vendor.
Buy Megaphone Magazine Online and Support Your Local Vendor
Megaphone is an award-winning street paper sold by 175 homeless and low-income vendors in Vancouver and Victoria. Vendors buy each magazine for 75 cents and sell it for $2—keeping the profit. By selling Megaphone, people experiencing poverty, homelessness and health challenges can earn income through meaningful, dignified work.
“Our vendors are not only vulnerable to income insecurity, but also to COVID-19 as many have compromised immune systems due to other illnesses (COPD, diabetes, HIV, HepC, etc.), not to mention substandard housing and limited access to healthy food and personal hygiene supplies,” says says Megaphone Executive Director Julia Aoki. “While COVID-19 makes vending less possible, it also makes the financial support more crucial.”
In lieu of in-person purchases, Megaphone is encouraging its customers to purchase its latest edition of the monthly magazine through the online store here. Customers can either choose to purchase the magazine for the $2 cover price, or select a higher price point to include a tip. After the purchase, supporters can either direct the funds to their usual vendors by emailing [email protected], or Megaphone will distribute the income among all active vendors. Customers will receive a PDF version of the latest issue of Megaphone magazine via email.