BC youth are invited to submit BC-grown recipes and cooking videos for a chance to win cash prizes in the Field to Fork Challenge. The second annual campaign is presented by 4-H British Columbia (“4-H BC”), BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (“BCAITC”), and the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Fisheries.
Field to Fork Challenge
Submissions Judged Under the Following Categories:
4-H BC Junior Members (born 2008-2011)
Enter now to August 31, 2021
4-H BC Senior Members (born 2001-2007)
Enter now to August 31, 2021
BC Junior-Level Students (grades 4-7)
Enter now to September 30, 2021
BC Senior-Level Students (grades 8-12)
Enter now to September 30, 2021
Winners will be selected based on recipe choices, use of BC ingredients, evidence of thorough study, food and kitchen safety, and presentation.
10 Cash Prizes Available in Each of the Above-Noted Categories:
1st Place: $400
2nd Place: $300
3rd Place: $200
4th to 10th Place: $100 each
In addition to winning cash prizes, top-placing entrants will have the chance to attend the Field to Fork Challenge Virtual Conference on November 13, 2021. Conference attendees will cook BC grown recipes under the expert instruction of Chef Trevor Randle, enjoy virtual farm tours, learn about BC agriculture from farmers in the field, and enjoy other fun activities. Recipes from top-placing entrants will also be featured in the Field to Fork Challenge Recipe book, to be available in print and online for all to enjoy.
Last year’s Field to Fork Challenge was a huge success! Participants had a chance to cook and form an appreciation for locally-grown agriculture. The Challenge entrants created an array of recipes from Hungry Hiker Skillet to Turkey Stuffed Zucchini Boats to Rhubarb Strawberry Pie.
“We are delighted to partner with 4-H BC again this year,” said Pat Tonn, BCAITC Executive Director. “We are able to offer this amazing food and agriculture Challenge province-wide! We invite educators, school administrators, and parents in all regions of BC to encourage students to participate and submit entries of their favourite recipes.”
On May 25th the BC Restart Plan for Summer 2021 – Step 1 was revealed, re-opening restaurants and recreational travel within our own health regions. June 15, 2021 has been identified as the first possible date we would advance to Step 2, the criteria being: “at least 65% of the 18+ population vaccinated with dose 1, along with declining case counts and COVID-19 hospitalizations.”
Recreational travel within BC allowed BC Transit and BC Ferries offers increased service as needed
Indoor and outdoor dining for groups up to 6 people (not restricted to your household or bubble) Liquor served until midnight Banquet halls can operate with limited capacity and a COVID-19 Safety Plan Consultation with sector associations begins for next steps on easing restrictions
Offices and workplaces
Continued return to the workplaceSmall, in-person meetings allowed Employers must continue to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan and daily health check in place
The criteria for moving to Step 3 is at least 70% of the 18+ population vaccinated with dose 1, along with low case counts and declining COVID-19 hospitalizations. The earliest date we move to Step 3 is July 1, 2021.
The criteria for moving to Step 4 is more than 70% of the 18+ population vaccinated with dose 1, along with low case counts and low COVID-19 hospitalizations. The earliest date we move to Step 4 is September 7, 2021.
Sticky’s Candy & Bakery (at 20464 Fraser Hwy) in Downtown Langley knows root beer. For four years they hosted the Root Beer Festival that drew in thousands to sip and sample over 60 kinds of root beers from all across the continent. Plus – root beer ice cream, root beer candy, root beer caramelized onions! This year, due to COVID, you can take the best of the 5th annual Root Beer Festival home with you!
Root Beer Festival
Sticky’s is offering festival sampler packs available this week for order and pickup just in time for Father’s Day.
The Sampler Box includes 12 assorted root beers that Sticky’s imports from all over North America (value $50) along with tasting notes. They also have a Root Beer Festival Sweet Treat Box filled with root beer candies, cookies and fudge (value $25). These specialty festival boxes are available for a limited time only, by preorder, so get your orders in as soon as possible.
Shop Sticky’s online anytime and take advantage of free delivery on novelty candy, liquorice, theatre boxes, UK and USA chocolate, vegan, sugar-free, nostalgic treats and more.
To help spread the word, Sticky’s has offered a root beer sampler box AND the sweet treat box up for me to give away to a Miss604 reader/follower (value $75)! Here’s how you can enter to win:
Prize is available for in-store pick-up only, the week of June 14-20, 2021. I will draw one winner at random from all entries on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 12:00pm. UPDATE! The winner is Elizabeth
Playland is back this weekend, it’s time for Doors Open in Richmond, there are family concerts, online workshops, an art walk and food truck festival! Check out these events and more things to do in Vancouver this weekend:
Nesrine El Banna, UBC-Paragon Research Fellow and certified BC teacher with over 17 years experience, just celebrated her first year of delivering world-class quality education through online interactive science classes. In March of 2020, she was inspired to create Science BC, offering virtual science units to elementary and high school level students.
Science BC
Utilizing different strategies for learning, Science BC equips students with knowledge and skills that help promote their education and spark an interest in the sciences. Student can expect small class sizes, an active and conductive learning environment, and a wide range of resources such as videos, virtual labs, simulations, online games, worksheets, home experiments, interactive websites, articles, and more.
The units, catering to each age/class group, focus on Life Science, Physics, Earth Science, or Chemistry. From electromagnetism to asteroids, the circulatory system to atomic masses. Not sure which one would best suit the student in your life? You can sign up for a free demo class.
Summer Program for Students Giveaway
I’m giving away the gift of science and learning! Science BC is offering up a unit to a Miss604 follower this summer. The prize is 1 science unit which includes 9 online interactive classes. Each class is 1 hour long. These are the choices:
Cycle 1: July 5 – August 6, 2021 (Earth Science or Chemistry)
Cycle 2: August 9 – September 3, 2021 (Life Science or Physics)
If the winner is not able to join the summer program, then the unit can be claimed anytime during 2021/2022 academic year when the respective class is offered.
The prize is open to all BC students in grades 5-9 (parents enter the contest on their behalf). If the winner is a student in grade 5, 6, 7: the value of the unit is $175; if the winner is a student in grade 8, or 9: the value of the unit is $195.
The winner will be drawn at random from all entries at 12:00pm on Thursday, June 17, 2021. UPDATE The winner is Sunshine!