I’ve noticed a lot of incoming links lately from sites that weren’t previously on my radar. What appears to be happening is something similar to “The Z List“.
This year, Troy Worman has started a meme to recognize outstanding bloggers. There are no awards, no accolades, simply a “pass it on” mentality surrounded by link love. Somewhere down the line, Miss604.com was added. The links started popping up in my stats when Servant of Chaos, Purple Wren, and Flooring the Consumer passed the list on. Regardless, it’s still pretty neat that someone thought to include me as an outstanding blog.
I noticed a few familiar names on there already but I’m going to add Yvonne and John since they’re usually the bloggers I tag in these sorts of things, and I’ve been reading their blogs for years. I’ll also add Douglas Karr and Darren Barefoot (cause I’m sure they love a good meme), and Tyler Ingram (cause he just entered my contest).
Read the list and perhaps add some new faves to your feed readers, after the jump Continue reading this post 〉〉
Vancouver’s 2010 Olympics have a couple mascots, three to be precise. They’re all warm, fuzzy little creatures that are starting annoy the heck outta some people already. Since they’re pretty much developed for merchandising and marketing purposes I can see why they did the following:
They made them all pretty easy for kids to draw. A couple squiggles and circles and you pretty much have a home made illustration of one of the characters, in some form.
They’re all some type of bear. What do kids like? They like BEARS! Awww, cute cuddly teddy bears. An orca mixed with a bear? YAY! How about a mythical thunderbird that’s part bear? YAY! And Quatchi, well he could be mistaken for a bear but he’s big and fuzzy so it doesn’t really matter.
But here’s what gets me, I’ve become a big MukMuk fan.
MukMuk is not an official mascot, he simply has “side kick” status
He actually looks like the real animal he is depicting
He represents an animal from around BC, namely Vancouver Island and the interior
So with the launch of the brand spankin’ new Vancouver 2010 store I was thinking maybe I’d look around and see about getting a MukMuk to toss into the prize pack for my contest (that you should really enter). Nope, no MukMuk.
There’s no MukMuk plush, no MukMuk pins and certainly no MukMuk mugs. What gives? I was saying yesterday, to those who actually care about the olympics in this town, that there should be a Facebook group to petition the upgrading of MukMuk to official mascot status. You know, one of those groups you join then forget about, but at the time you think it’s a really good idea.
Vancouver 2010 apparel and mascot loot is now on sale at The Bay – and no, they didn’t pay me to say that, and they should donate a mascot plush for my contest because maybe that might be more incentive to enter the draw. Either to keep the toy, or to throw it on the ice at the Giants game, since that will be encouraged.
Here are some upcoming appearances by the mascots, in case you wanna get the kiddies out to meet them:
December 8 & 9, 2007 @ Hbc downtown, December 14th @ the Whistler Westin, December 15th @ Hbc and Zellers Metrotown, December 16th @ Hbc and Zellers Coquitlam.
Unfortunately all appearances will also be sans Mukmuk.
Update: Mukmuk will now appear in plush form only as he will still be considered a “sidekick” to the others.
Did I not say somewhere that the sea wall still looked pretty sketchy and it didn’t seem like it was ready to re-open? What a crappy “I told you so” moment, the sea wall is closed again.
Heavy snow yesterday and rainfall today has resulted in another closure of the Stanley Park Seawall. Park Board staff are consulting with engineers after a 20 foot wide mudslide occurred around 10 this morning near Third Beach.
Stanley Park Maintenance Supervisor Eric Meaghr says it’s a bit discouraging after so much work this fall. “We had some feelings we may have issues. It’s the first big test of the area and sure enough we did have a slip off the sandstone face today.” The slide came down just south of the lighthouse, just a few hours after an inspection where they actually considered closing the Seawall for the day.
Early reports predict the Seawall will be closed for at least several days. [News1130]
If only we would have spent the restoration money actually restoring the park instead of paving more roads and making more parking lots.
BLOG or Facebook POST about Miss604.com and you could WIN: TWO tickets to see the Vancouver Giants in action and TWO full-day passes (including rental) for Mount Seymour this season. Continue reading this post 〉〉
In August of 2006 John and I walked into an apartment building for an event. We spotted a blond girl in the lobby that I suspected we were supposed to “check in” with but we just avoided entirely by bee-lining it to the elevators. A few months later that same blond girl walked into our lives once again but it was hard to ignore her.
This time she came bearing chocolate ganache torte surrounded by ladyfingers accompanied with a raspberry coolie that she made from scratch. I knew this must be someone special.
It wasn’t until almost a year after I first ran into Keira that we actually started to hang out. She likes long walks in the park, I like long walks in the park. She likes taking puppies to the beach and running around in a bikini, I like taking puppies to the beach and running around in a bikini. She likes taking a plethora of photos of herself and well, I just think that’s totally narcissistic, honestly.
Me, Keira
Okay, I’m kidding, but you may be able to see a pattern here. I’m pretty glad that we’ve become friends and that we can be brutally honest with each other while also being supportive – especially after too much red wine.
I take great shots of this girl – thanks to
Duane for the camera usage
Aside from being truly humble, Keira’s got a big heart, imaginative spirit, and such enthusiasm about even the simplest of delights. She cares about others unconditionally and will not hesitate to agree with you if you just want to “skip dinner and have ice cream instead.” She’s a beautiful and genuine friend, daughter, sister, and table dancer and I wish her the best of birthdays. So on this “rockstar” birthday, Keira I truly hope you realize that I think you are all kinds of amazing.