Future Shop Wants My Money

Comments 15 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Shortly after I got a Future Shop credit card I received a letter in the mail saying that they were discontinuing their credit cards. Huh, okay. A little while after that I received a letter in the mail saying that Future Shop now has a credit card, through HBC and I can sign up if I want.

I really don’t need two Future Shop cards as it appears I’m having a hard enough time just trying to manage the first, obsolete account. I bought my Macbook on the card, along with a few other goodies and shortly after I sent them a check for $1500. Well it seems as though a month too many has gone by and they called me today to ask for a payment of $30. I guess I didn’t send them a payment last month so they’re a bit cranky. Oh but it’s not Future Shop, because their card doesn’t exist anymore, it was some strange bank of out the States calling me to say ‘give us money’.

So I literally said “oops,” and that I would make a payment ASAP either through online banking or at store-level. This seemed to appease the man on the other side of the phone until he asked me, “So what caused you to get behind a payment?” A little blindsided I just said, “Uh I guess I forgot”. He still wanted more saying, “I see, but you are behind,” to which I replied “well I guess I just remembered sending that big fat check and forgot how long ago that was.” He says “Okay so I’ll mark that down as an ‘oversight’ on your part then.” I said, “Sure yeah, just do that.”

Photo credit: duane storey on Flickr

Um… I’ve never had someone talk to me that way before, like they were my parent and I was coming home an hour after curfew. Is this normal protocol? Seemed very strange. I’m going to go pay my non-existent Future Shop card off as soon as possible cause I just don’t want to be contacted by a guy like that ever again. Creepy.

Blogathon: Post #38

Troubled Hubble – 14,000 things to be happy about

Add a Comment by John Bollwitt

Good day, and welcome to my first appearance on this Blogathon. I’ve been busy for a good portion of today with the newly christened day job, so my appearance here needs to be in true fashion. That means, a post about music, not to mention a nice YouTube video to go along with it.

Sadly, and teasingly, this is a post about a band that doesn’t exist anymore, Troubled Hubble. They were a four piece band from the Chicago area that I tend to miss nearly every single time that I hear a song by them. In fact, their guitar player, Josh, was a fellow DJ at KRUI. Being a big fan of his weekly, Tuesday morning show, “The Tuesday Morning Donut Spectacular”, his band was instantly an interest.

intonation and lollapalooza 003
Photo credit: sixtimesmighty on Flickr

In fact, listeners to the RadioZoom podcast might be interested to know that the monthly, “Six Song Donut Spectacular” is a complete ripoff of the name to Josh’s morning show. Being that I’m not afraid to admit that, I think that’s ok. Right?

Anyway, there is not enough that can be said about the shows that TH used to put on. It was a song of theirs that came up earlier tonight that prompted this post because I told Rebecca that I wished that just once, she could have seen a show of theirs. It might sound stupid, but I’ve never been so inclined to jump around and dance then at their shows. Some times intoxicated, many times not. They were just able to do that, and I’m not the only one to say this.

troubled hubble
Photo credit: theraceforthedoublehelix on Flickr

I’ll never forget my crowning achievement during my college radio days was when we put on a local music showcase that was open to the public called “Neighborhood Watch”. I was the coordinator of the whole event, pulling together anyone and everyone I could to help out. These guys were one of four bands to agree to perform for free, and I was astounded by the amount of people dancing in front of the stage when they started playing. It was just the vibe that got them, and they became instant fans.

About two years ago, they called it. The reasons are something not overly strenuous in terms of friendship with each other or bad feelings. It was just time. Even getting signed to Lookout! Records (the maiden record label of such bands like Green Day), it was just time for them all to part ways. Can’t say that I’ve been able to do that yet, but at least their library is still out there for the taking.

With that, enjoy “14,000 Things To Be Happy About”.

Blogathon: Post #36

100 Days of Summer – Tennis

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Seeing as how tomorrow is almost here, I’ll toss in some filler material while I try and rustly up something EXCELLENT for the next 7 hours that remain.

According to Tourism Vancouver’s 100 Days of Summer, on July 29th it would be ideal to go to the:

Tennis Open – Take in world-class tennis during the Odlum Brown Vancouver Open at the Hollyburn Country Club, West Vancouver July 28-Aug. 5.

A couple of weeks ago John was working at the Stanley Park Open and caught wind of the events that take place at Hollyburn. I’m not into tennis, but I know a couple people who love to watch. Apparently Vancouver is a pretty good place for tennis-like events and for young starlets to get their starts.

Blogathon: Post #35

I have no beer

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Ever since Alanah’s post I’ve been craving some Granville Island lager. I decided that these contributor posts are just too great to get swept away with the rest so they’re all in their own category “guest post” so that you can revisit them after the Blogathon.

I’ve made it past the halfway mark and I’m coasting into the evening. Hopefully on the next post I can catch the fireworks “in action” on a webcam and share that with you all.

In case you’re just tuning in to the blog, I am doing this for 24 hours straight in hopes that people will pledge my efforts and donate to the Surrey Food Bank. Thanks to everyone whose done so already, and keep watching as I’m not stopping until 6:00 am Pacific time on July 29th.

Blogathon: Post #33 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank


Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Our pal Duane is always tinkering with applications. He’s made a couple Facebook apps and numerous WordPress Plugins. His latest works hand-in-hand with WordPress to post alerts of your blog entries directly to Twitter.

I was talking to a friend the other day about how it would be cool to have something like Twitter that would basically give you real-time updates on blog entries from WordPress. While talking about it, I realized basically what I wanted was the abilily for Twitter to show new blog entries. [Duane StoreyDownload here]

Seems pretty cool since I for one usually Twitter if I’ve made a recent blog post, this could save some time… as long as I take advantage of personalizing, to keep it interesting.

Blogathon: Post #32 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank