Granville Island Market Adventure

Comments 15 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For the first time in a while we spent the day focused on ourselves and since John was down and out with strep throat on our actual anniversary we just did what we wanted and had no further commitments all day.

Photo Credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

After brunch in English Bay we strolled over to the False Creek Ferry and were shuttled over the water to Granville Island where we spent several hours just walking around, shopping and enjoying the amazingly sunny day.

Photo Credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

John and I rarely get over to the Granville Island Market. Usually when guests are in town, then we take them down there on the tourist route however it is a valuable asset to us locals.

When we first got off the ferry a street performer in front of the french bakery caught our attention. He ended up keeping it for the next 40 minutes while he juggled with fire and escaped from being chained up in a straight jacket. It’s not the sort of thing that would usually suck us in, but this guy was hilarious and even made a “special connection” with John. “You there with the camera, where are you from?”, asked the performer known as Byron from England. “Vancouver,” John replied. “Oh so you’re one of those local people that just walk around all day taking pictures (looking up) going ‘I can’t believe I live HERE.” I think he hit the nail on the head with that one.

Posing for John, “Is that digital? Good, put this on the internet.”
Photo Credit: John Bollwitt in Flickr

“Byron from England” talking to passers-by, “Hello kiddies, you see these children sitting here enjoying the show? That’s because their parents love them.”

Photo Credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

In the market we picked up some feta stuffed peppers, bocconcini and cherry tomato salad and some chicken breasts for tonight, and even some mini cheesecakes and tarts from Stuart’s for dessert. We also found a few things in the Kids Market for my niece’s upcoming birthday.

Photo Credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

John is getting really handy with his camera (yay me for getting him the perfect Christmas gift) so you can find the rest of today’s photos in his Flickr set.

Photo Credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

We still have an evening of delicious food and decadent desserts ahead of us so I didn’t want spend too much time on the computer today, when I could be in John’s arms enjoying a glass of wine and a stunning sunset.

Green Living Show Vancouver: Natureland Organic Beer

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I was a fan of the Amber Ale, while Keira leaned more toward the Lager. NatureLand Organic Beer is Canada’s first organic beer, pumping out two lovely samples of their 5% brew at the Green Living Show this weekend.

Natureland Beerrzz

This Gold winning Ale has been recently introduced to the British Columbia market. This unique beer is certified organic by the OCIA – Organic Crop Improvement Association. NatureLand Organic Ale is brewed with 100% organic two row malt, 100% organic Hallertau Hops and the pure spring water from the pristine Caribou Spring. All ingredients are certified organic including the water which is sourced through a certified organic process. [Natureland Organic – Amber Ale]

A division of Pacific Western Brewing, responsible for the likes of Pacific Pilsner and Canterbury, NatureLand is pretty darn tasty.

We exchanged some banter with the booth dude about the naming of the brand and it as suggested that it may not be the most “macho” pint to ask for at the sports bar, but that’s probably the only minor deterrent we could spot. They are selling the Lager and Amber Ale in the food court region of the event as well as the free supply of samples on tap on the showroom floor.

This post is also available on the happyfrog Frogblog

Green Living Show Vancouver: Scent with Love

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Upon first inspection this looked like a booth that promoted some lovely soy candles, but it was actually more than that. The soy candles, that come in many delicious flavours like oatmeal (that made Keira smell like cookies), cucumber melon, root beer, peaches, tangerine pina colada, and strawberry banana also serve as a skin moisturizer.

Photo Credit: Keira-Anne on Flickr

As the candle melt the “wax” actually becomes an oil. Simply dip your finger into the oil and rub it on like you would hand or body lotion. It doesn’t leave a greasy residue and the soybean oil is actually better for your skin as they are pure grade essential oils. Also the wicks are cotton, containing no lead, and the candles last longer (3 times longer than paraffin candles) producing less soot.

All in all these soybean candles smell delicious, providing aromatherapy and a smooth skin – my hands and arms still smell like pina colada as I type this. Mmm – mmm!

Unfortunately this particular company does not sell their products in stores, they simply do the trade show circuit and provide products for fundraisers so if you like what you see be sure to take advantage of the Green Living Show sale.

This post is also available on the happfrog Frogblog

Green Living Show Vancouver: Preview

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Tonight I attended the Green Living Show with the lovely Keira-Anne. We got free samples, test drove assisted power bicycles and rubbed some lovely soy and coconut oil all over ourselves. I’ll be writing more specific booth/product reviews but for anyone who is planning on attending the event, here is a quick preview with freebies, swag, samples and showstoppers.


Where: BC Place (more info)
When: Friday, Feb 29 – 12 pm – 9 pm, Saturday, March 1 – 10 am – 9 pm, Sunday, March 2 – 10 am – 6 pm

No Sweat

When you first walk in at the field level of BC Place (make sure to pick up your free cloth bag), on your right for the first few aisles will be clothing and cosmetics, along with some food products like the organic (and 72% cocoa) dark chocolate samples provided by Whistler Chocolates. You’ll also come across some hemp and bamboo clothiers, and although their shirts and skirts look amazingly comfortable and are unbelievably soft to the touch, I’m not sure I can bring myself to pay $170 for a tank top (as noted at one booth).

That Chocolate is YUM

Skin Hydration Test

You can get your skin hydration tested. Apparently my “arm” test was WAY above normal (which is good) and my “face” test was normal for hydration.

Back to the food, there’s a fair trade coffee company and samples of blueberry juice which is across from Natureland Organic Beer who graciously provided two rounds of samples to these here girls (more to follow in another post). Right behind the beer sampling is a children’s theater featuring Bobs and Lolo.

Around the corner Fetzer from Mendocino County, CA was also doing free wine tastings. Talking to their rep about their sustainable winery they sounded pretty impressive, from solar panels to bio-diesel powered equipment.

Hemp Bliss

Be sure to also check out Manitoba Harvest Hemp Food and Oils, including hemp seed butter (like peanut butter) and hemp milk, although after the organic beer our stomachs didn’t take too kindly to this. There is also yogurt sampling, in which I did not partake since I’m not the hugest yogurt fan, and then free thin crust pizza at the Ocean Wise/Vancouver Aquarium booth.

In cosmetic land, Lush was handing out their “Sexy Peel Soap”, and Rocky Mountain Soap Company had a mini bar of Nature’s Treat Foot Butter for all. Toward the back of the showroom (opposite the entrance) you can test drive electric scooters and assisted power bicycles around a little track. Further along that wall you’ll run into “home improvement land” with flooring, insulation and cleaning products.

I want that showerhead

Home Depot's Flower Made of Bottles

Elephant Poop Paper

There’s some great stationary courtesy of Mr. Ellie Pooh (yes, paper made from elephant dung), cutlery made from potatoes, and what look like plastic containers made entirely out of corn. Side note about the cutlery, it’s endorsed by Mel Silverback whom you might remember if you watched NBC’s “Last Comic Standing”.

Potato Spoons

There is a food court area of sorts, although it didn’t quite soothe our craving for a hot dog, and next to that you’ll find “Scent with Love“. These are soy candles that can be used as a moisturizer when you dip your finger into the melted wax – or soy oil in this case (again, more to come in another post).

In the middle of the showroom there is a small “forest” refuge area, and at the North end of BC Place (near the theatre/stage) you’ll find more political/cause oriented booths where you’ll probably be asked to sign petitions and volunteer for campaigns.

Green Party Buttons

All in all it was an enjoyable evening and everyone was eager to tell you about their product, hand out a sample, and answer any questions you might have. I’ll have individual posts up soon about Natureland Organic Beer, Scent with Love and probably something else I find a brochure for in my swag bag.

This post is also available on the happyfrog Frogblog

Cockfighting in Surrey, For Real

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This morning I kept getting sent links, and emails and IM’s about the big news out of Surrey today. Admittedly upon looking at the urls (see the one for the CBC story below) I chuckled and shrugged off the articles thinking everyone just wanted to gang up on my hometown. I was wrong, apparently a huge cockfighting ring in Surrey was busted last night and once I realized this was actual news my second thought was, wait – these things exist? I thought that only happened on Seinfeld.

Photo Credit: Mussels on Flickr

Animal welfare officials say as many as 37 people could be facing charges after police raided a B.C. operation that animal welfare officials are describing as Canada’s largest-ever cockfighting ring…

…The Surrey ring, raided earlier this week, may have been operating for the past three or four years, officials from the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BCSPCA) told a news conference in Vancouver Friday.

Some of the 1,270 fighting birds found on three separate properties in the Cloverdale area of Surrey were fed steroids and kept in a perpetual state of excitement. [CBC]

Now due to the specific words in this blog post I am fully prepared for the mis-matched Google searches that will now find their way to my site and I won’t even quote the Canadian Press article because it’s just too incriminating SEO-wise.

But in all seriousness, this is pretty horrible news especially since the BC SPCA‘s orders were to euthananize all 1200 birds found on the premises. When it comes to cruelty to animals, my stomach just turns and I just wonder who actually gets a kick or thrill out of this so-called “game”, “sport”, or “event”. I also think about the societies that work so hard to try and curtail these activities and how low they are on support and funding given the work that they do. For more information about the Surrey SPCA, please visit their website, and I hope I never again have to report on a sickening story like this coming out of my hometown.