Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "F" is for Flickr

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Fun with FlickrThat’s right folks, the world’s most popular (and fantastic) photo sharing website is a Vancouver-grown creation. Hosting more than 2 billion images as of last year, Flickr was the brainchild of Caterina and Stewart of Vancouver in 2004. It was then gobbled up by Yahoo! in early 2007. However, the pair are so beloved by this town that when it was announced that they had left Flickr, Vancouver dotcom’ers used the power of social media to lure them back.

A Facebook group was created and the domain, “BringCaterinaAndStewartHome” was purchased.

Flickr has free accounts as well as a pro version that allows you to upload, store and share all of your photos and videos for a low annual fee. Aside from its multiple uses including various tags, photo editing and a batch uploader it has very social aspects with groups, sets and collections. I think it is important to celebrate its local roots and the folks who made Flickr possible.

Blogathon Post #20 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "E" is for Electric Trolleybus

Comments 4 by John Bollwitt

The following is a guest post by John Bollwitt

Bus turning onto Howe St.
Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

I’m hardly an expert on the subject of Electric Trolleybuses in Vancouver but do take my fair share of them in my commute to and from work, not to mention the post I made about not owning a car on my personal site.

To me, I love the concept that comes with this form of mass transit, especially in these days of high gas prices. The technology is fairly simple and clean, so it feels good on a personal level when you cram yourself into a jam packed, sardine can of a trolleybus in the morning.

A trolleybus (also known as trolley bus, trolley coach, trackless trolley, trackless tram or simply trolley) is an electric bus powered by two overhead wires, from which it draws electricity using two trolley poles. Two poles are required in order to accommodate the return current, which cannot pass to the ground as in the case of an electric tram (also called a streetcar) since trolleybuses use rubber tires (which act as electrical insulators), rather than electrically conductive steel wheels on rail. There are trolleybuses in many cities around the world. [wikipedia]

Even though these machines are great on the environment, you have to be flexible on their reliability and your schedule. And while you’re on one some of these buses, especially the newer ones, you have to be on your guard when you are in a standing room only situation. I haven’t quite figured out the momentary lurching that happens from time to time, but there have been a fair amount of people who have hit the deck pretty hard when it happens. Saving the environment is great, falling on your face while doing it isn’t, and I’m lucky to not have that happen, knock on wood.

Spacious and less seating
Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Vancouver is in the midst of phasing out their older buses, replacing many of them with a third generation fleet of trolleybuses. I’ve had my share of rides on them, and they are pretty nice. Still, some of the seating configurations seem a tad odd in terms of seat placements as well as what feels like less space, but it could all be an optical illusion.

Something that is becoming a standard across the entire fleet of buses in Vancouver is GPS tracking and a computerized voice that tells you what street or cross street you are on. There are even some that tell you nice pleasantries, but I’m waiting for the day where it starts telling you the current weather conditions.

When it comes down to it though, nothing can beat the bus drivers themselves, and there are some that are absolutely hilarious. Some point out funny things around you, give various historical lessons, or those that use the opportunity to practice their best stadium announcer voice like they are calling out the starting line for a hockey game at GM Place.

Rebecca on the bus
Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Ah the beloved electric trolleybus. A Vancouver staple.

Blogathon Post #19 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Meet the Participants – Duane

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Duane Storey – There was a possibility that Duane was going to be away during Blogathon this year but as it turns out he’s in town and has been going strong for about 20 hours now. Since he confirmed his spot so late and truly supports the cause, he teamed up with my effort for the Union Gospel Mission in the downtown eastside. Duane explains more in the video below:

Duane is also giving away a signed CD courtesy of Matthew Good, he’ll draw one lucky name from all of those who pledged $10 or more.

Duane’s website:
Duane’s cause: Union Gospel Mission (please select “Miss604 Blogathon” so that we can track the donation at the end of the weekend)

Blogathon Post #18 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "D" is for Duane Storey

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

John and I just walked over to Duane’s house so he’s officially the “D” for my A-Z of Metro Vancouver. Since the next post will be his “meet the participants” entry I’ve decided to feature some of his photos here. They’re not his typical HDR shots and that’s kind of why I felt showcasing them here – instead they’re of his friends, which makes them even more special.

Blogathon Post #17 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "C" is for Canucks

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s no secret, I love me some hockey and my team of choice since 1980 has been the Vancouver Canucks.

crazy canucks podcasting (episode #47)

Instead of giving a rundown of our organization that appears to be rebuilding at this time, here are some links to some of my favourite Canucks blogs.

Canucks Hockey Blog – By JJ, our co-host from The Crazy Canucks Podcast
Canucks and Beyond
– By Alanah, our other co-host from The Crazy Canucks Podcast
Canucks Outsider – By DaveO, our co-host from The Crazy Canucks Podcast (notice a theme?)
Waiting for Stanley – By Zanstorm, super entertaining and insightful blogger from Northern BC

Sure, we have quite the challenging season ahead of us but this town has been with this team through thick and thin… although we’ve seen more of the “thick” in recent years. We haven’t seen the Cup since the Millionaires won it at the Denman Arena but we’re not giving up hope just yet. Go Canucks Go!

Blogathon Post #16 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.