Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Guest Post by Keira

Comments 3 by Guest Author

The following was written and contributed by Keira-Anne

I needed to share a story – any story. After some consideration, however, I realized that not just any story would do. Perhaps I could trick myself into finding inspiration. My desk was scattered with random papers, a can of half-drank Dr. Pepper my cell phone and a bottle of nail polish – on hand for random touch-ups. I pushed my chair away from the mess and stood up to stretch out. Walking to the window, I was greeted with nothing but the first few drops of a warm summer rainfall. “Comfort,” I thought to myself. Rain has always been my friend.

Stepping away from the window and towards the stereo, I popped in something The Police recorded before I was even born. Anything in an attempt to rid “Super Trouper” from looping over and over again in my head. I tapped my nails on the edge of my speaker shelf with a rhythm any percussionist would be impressed with. Nope, ABBA’s still hanging on. I paced. I nursed what was left of my diet soda. I walked into my miniscule bathroom and stared at my skin very closely in the mirror. I paced some more until finally deciding to shove my feet into sneakers, grab my keys and shut the front door behind me.

By now, the summer raindrops had turned into a summer downpour. Pulling my hoodie up over my head, I gently tucked the few stray brunette tresses inside the hood and behind my ears. The rain still dropped on the tip of my nose. My walk turned into a slow jog; one block, two blocks, three blocks and I arrived at my destination. New York had been my home for a little under three years, but sometimes it felt like three days. Thankfully, and very graciously, I had found a respite or two that reminded me of the people I left at home in the midwest.

New Yorkers are an interesting breed, and over time, I found myself assimilating with them more and more. I learned the hard way that it’s often difficult to hold on to who you are; most times it’s expected that you can’t or you won’t. It has, in fact, become a survival instinct to me. But that’s another story, and not the story I wanted to share.

I pulled myself up onto a stool that had certainly seen better days. If only sparkly vinyl could talk. The Moonbeam Cafe was one of those respites I told you about. It was a place that only a few knew about, but those who did were fiercely loyal. Sometimes the drunk college kids would stumble in at 3:00 a.m. after a night of vodka redbulls and draft beer, but most were often too intoxicated to remember in the morning where their bellies full of bacon and eggs came from. The decor was tacky at best, the food was equally greasy and satisfying at the same time, the coffee was perfection and you could undoubtedly rely on meeting some of the most interesting people each and every time. None of those were the reason I went to the Moonbeam Cafe. I went to the Moonbeam Cafe for Ruthie.

Photo credit: fab4chiky on Flickr

Ruthie easily had 30 years on me and more experience in her lifetime than I could ever imagine. Her face was full of lines – mostly from joy, somet from heartache. She had silver hair that was still soft and graceful, which she always had pinned into a loose bun. Her uniform was the same each day, a polyester creation of cream and turquoise. Despite the fact that she was at least 54, Ruthie still exuded the youthfulness of someone younger than even myself. Her beauty, to me, was in the mixture of her experience, wisdom and youthful spirit.

I’m stuck,” I announced as she poured my first pot of steaming caffeine. “I’m wracking my brain and need to write the perfect story, but all I do is walk back and forth in my apartment with disco in my head.

Ruthie giggled her gentle laugh and said “you never fail, sweetheart. You push yourself every single time but always manage to find something beautiful to share.” I appreciated her encouragement but was secretly disappointed that she didn’t share one of her famous Ruthie-isms…something I’d almost come to rely on in hopes that a word or two of hers would spark an entire idea. “What is it you want to write about?” she asked.

That’s just it, I don’t even know. Usually I’m inspired by anything – even this coffee! But even right now, I look at it, and it’s coffee in a mug.” Over the next 45 minutes or so, I lamented further while Ruthie kept the coffee coming. I waved the white flag. I am 24 years old – who was I to have anything of significance to offer through my words? My eyes had beheld some sights in their time, my heart a couple cycles through the wringer, but none of it monumental enough to me. I slurped down the last of mug number three and paid for for it with the changed I had stuffed in my pocket. I stepped towards the door, but not before Ruthie came over to give me a motherly squeeze. I needed those. She winked and said “let me read it when you’re done, kiddo.” I always showed my drafts to Ruthie and she always felt the need to remind me to do so.

The rain had stopped by now. I skipped through a few puddles, walking the three blocks back to my second floor walk-up. The door flew open, I kicked off my sneakers and made my way back to the computer desk. I drummed my fingers on the keyboard with preciseness. I needed to share a story.

Blogathon Post #42 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "Z" is for ZZzzzzzzz

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Trying to keep your eyes open is a challenge. Trying to keep your eyes open after being up for so long, after crying each day for a few days is even more tough.

Photo credit: GusF on Flickr

I have seven more posts to go and after a quick cat nap between posts (sorry, I had to) I’m in the home stretch. I’ve run out of letters in the alphabet and I have one guest post to prepare but after that… I may just start listing all of the furniture in my house or shooting a video of the run rising slowly and steadily although the view out the window faces North.

There’s one more shift that ends tonight since I decided to kind of create my own I’ll be the only one done at this time. Thank you to everyone for sticking with me thus far and to all of those who have participated in Blogathon by commenting, pledging, donating and blogging.

Blogathon Post #41 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "Y" is for Yasutaro Yamaga

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I bet you thought I was going to do “Yaletown” eh? Well due to my trusty Vancouver History source I was able to do a quick search of the Hall of Fame and come up with Yasutaro Yamaga.

Born in Japan, Yasutaro Yamaga came to British Columbia in 1908. After working as a labourer, he purchased ten acres of land near Haney, B.C. Yamaga led the Japanese Farmer’s Union in the Fraser Valley. After World War II, he moved to Ontario, where at Beamsville he established the first home for Japanese Canadian senior citizens (Nipponia Home) in Canada. [BC Archives]

The Nipponia Home was the first extended care facility and seniors’ home for Japanese Canadians. Yasutaro Yamaga was particularly concerned about the issei with no relatives or families to care for them in their old age. Using his personal savings he provided a haven for the elderly Japanese Canadians by establishing Nipponia Home in 1958 where they would be able to use Japanese language and enjoy Japanese food. [NAJC]

This is an excellent way to remember that Canada has always been multicultural and much of it was built and established with the help of people of all ethnic backgrounds who came together as Canadians.

Yamaga Yasutaro was born on the 30th day of the 3rd month of the 19th year of Meiji (1886) in Toyohama, Toyoda County, Hiroshima Prefecture. He came to Canada on the mail steamer Aki Maru in 1908 with “a dream of becoming the owner of 5000 acres of golden field of the Canadian Prairies.”

You can read more about Yasaturo in this PDF from the University of British Columbia. Written in 1977 this paper is a really interesting read.

Blogathon Post #40 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "X" is for X-Files

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

When I was a teenager we got a notice through our mail slot stating that the X-Files would soon be filming at Kwantlen Park. My friends and I set out for the south end of the parking lot on the day of the shoot and waited for 3 hours while David Duchovny repeatedly drove around the parking lot, got out of the car, and walked into the woods.

Afterwards we were able to meet him, get his autograph, and we all waited eagerly for our episode to air. Our scene hit the small screen one night during the opening sequence, before the theme song started. It was then I realized how much time and effort it takes to produce even the smallest 45 second clip for some productions.

In Vancouver/X-Files news: “Series creator Chris Carter was recognized Thursday night in Vancouver by the B.C. government for his contribution to the province’s television and film industry. A few dozen fans and a throng of media gathered around a short red carpet to welcome Carter and executive producer Frank Spotnitz before a private screening of the new film.” [CBC]

Last Friday the Vancouver-filmed X-Files: I Want to Believe hit theatres with the triumphant return of agents Mulder and Scully attempting to knock The Dark Knight off its box office pedestal.

I suppose we won’t know how well the film did until Monday morning but I do think it’s on our short list of films to catch as we’ve been on a bit of a theatre kick lately.

Blogathon Post #39 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "W" is for Whitecaps

Comments 1 by John Bollwitt

The following has been contributed by John Bollwitt

Don’t roll your eyes about this post just yet because there is more to the Vancouver Whitecaps FC than just their current status as a member of the United Soccer League (USL).

Good seats
Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Vancouver Whitecaps is a Canadian professional soccer team, founded in 1986. The team is a member of the USL First Division, the second tier of the American Soccer Pyramid.

They currently play at the Swangard Stadium in Burnaby, British Columbia, 7 miles east of downtown Vancouver. The team is currently coached by Teitur Þórðarson. The team’s colors are blue and white.

The team was originally known as the Vancouver 86ers of both the A-League and, prior to that, the Canadian Soccer League (CSL). In addition to its men’s side the Whitecaps also field a women’s team, Vancouver Whitecaps Women, in the USL W-League, and two developmental teams: Vancouver Whitecaps Residency, in the USL Premier Development League, and the Whitecaps FC Prospects, in the Pacific Coast Soccer League. [wikipedia]

It seems to come up in conversation here and there that we need to actually attend a Whitecaps game, but there are those occasional TV broadcasts that we tune into from time to time. Honestly, I’m more of a “futbol” fan that I ever thought I would be, especially for being the American that I am.

In 1994, the World Cup came to the U.S, and I was instantly enthralled with what was going on. Most of the nation was paying attention like the good marketing from one of the big soda pop sponsors told us to be, but many seemed to think that was a nice month of soccer and then looked forward to the World Series and then the start of the NFL regular season.

Taking numerous trips to my grandparents’ house in Kansas City, there was always ads on Univision for these “futbol” games (“Esta Sabado!”), and occasionally my grandfather would watch these matches while taking a bit of a snoozer in his chair. Mexican play-by-play announcers are insane, and even though I could not understand everything they said, I was usually enthralled. This is where I attribute my current interest in the sport of soccer in general, appreciating a good match but not understanding everyone and everything there is to know of every league that exists across the globe.

Banking on that interest of the 1994 World Cup, the MLS was formed in 1993 with the FIFA World Cup in mind that following year, and the inaugural season started in 1996 with ten teams. Today, there are 14 teams that make up the league, and the MLS plans to expand to 18 by the year 2011.

As of last Friday morning, the Vancouver Whitecaps announced that they would be making a hefty bid to get into the MLS for that 2011 season, and they have some weight, by the name of Steve Nash, to throw behind it.

NBA superstar Steve Nash announced Friday that he has invested in the Vancouver Whitecaps as part of the team’s bid to bring Major League Soccer to the city.

The Whitecaps currently play in the United Soccer League First Division, one level below MLS, but are looking to become one of two expansion teams that will begin play in MLS in 2011.

Nash said he would not be a majority owner, but will put a significant amount of money toward the project. Nash will join current Whitecaps owner Greg Kerfoot.

“I am really excited to be a part of the Whitecaps organization and play a role in our application to join Major League Soccer,” said Nash. “This new partnership is a great fit for me. My passion for soccer and commitment to the community is well aligned with the Whitecaps vision.” [cbc]

The Whitecaps have already had some amazing matches with various MLS teams such as the L.A. Galaxy and Toronto F.C., none of which have resulted in a loss, and next year will see the addition of a new team with a natural, cross border rival of the Seattle Sounders FC getting their inaugural year into the MLS.

Play by Play View at BC Place
Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

The timing seems ripe to have Vancouver Whitecaps join the MLS, and with natural rivals of Toronto and Seattle, combined with the international flavor of a city that would love nothing more than seeing great soccer action on the pitch, a MLS franchise in Vancouver seems like a great fit.

Of course, the question remains about where the Whitecaps will play in future. Even though renovations are in motion for BC Place and eventual incorporation of Whitecaps games in the post, 2010 Winter Olympics venue, the case for a new, waterfront stadium is still on the table, even if it’s dangling on the edge.

The thought of the MLS coming to Vancouver is highly entertaining. How cool would it be to see Chivas vs. the Whitecaps? Or the Chicago Fire or the Kansas City Wizards? I like that idea a lot.

Blogathon Post #38 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.