I Wantsa Boat Cruise

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last night Wantsa held an event for social media types in order to introduce their brand and offer up some teaser information about their powerful online recommendation engine that’s soon to launch. The evening was organized by one of their latest team members, Colleen Coplick, who is no stranger to the Vancouver new media scene.

Our hostess

Bollwitts on a boat

We set sail from Yaletown on the Spirit of Two Thousand and Ten, enjoying a three-hour tour complete with food, drinks, and wine supplied by Misconduct.
Raul, Colleen, me

Raincoaster on a boat

Beck on a Boat

Wantsa Boat Cruise

Wantsa Boat Cruise

Bollwitts on a boat

Misconduct Wine Co.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have been able to experience our region from air and sea recently. Each time I take a step back and observe where I call home, realizing that I actually get to live in a place like this, it takes my breath away.

Wantsa Boat Cruise

Lighthouse Park

BC Ferries


Wantsa Boat Cruise

Wantsa Boat Cruise - The City

Wantsa Boat Cruise

False Creek

Granville Island

Dragon Boaters

Wantsa Boat Cruise

Wantsa Boat Cruise

I would like to thank Wantsa for the lovely evening and this fantastic opportunity – I’m looking forward to seeing them grow their innovative product.

The rest of my photos are in my Flickr set. Check out Duane’s Flickr set as well as the photos from John Biehler who took some awesome fish-eye shots.

140conf in New York Next Week

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Breakfast with Pulver I was listed as one of the 140 characters for 140conf, a Twitter conference happening next week in New York city. However, due to some tight deadlines that have me running in circles, I had to back out. It pains me to miss this conference as it’s organized by Jeff Pulver and will see a mix of media, personalities, topics, and social causes discussed.

Heavy-hitting social media stars and celebrities in attendance include the man who coined “web 2.0”, Tim O’Reilly, along with Chris Brogan, Brian Solis, Liz Strauss, Wyclef Jean, iJustine, and Robert Scoble.

Since I’m no longer on the roster Jeff is doing an open casting call to fill up the character spot. To be considered, there are two options:

1. Tweet out the reason you are a character, in the following suggested format:

– @140conf I am a Character. I want to be at #140conf because…

2. As an alternative approach, record a short video and make your case on video why you are a character. (12seconds is the recommended platform). When promoting a supporting video, use the format:

– @140conf I am a Character and should be considered for cast of #140conf. Watch (link to video)

Also, make sure you’re following @140conf, so you can be notified via direct message if you win.

It will be an unforgettable event so tune into the #140conf conversations on Twitter June 16th and 17th and be sure to register if you’re able to attend in person.

The Morton's Experience

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Yesterday evening John and I were invited to dine at Morton’s, the premiere steakhouse experience in Vancouver (and around the world).


The staff was great and very knowledgeable as they explained pretty much everything on the main menu. We both ordered appetizers, our cut of meat, and a la carte sides. Our host, Brad, explained that their portions are pretty large but said we should be alright with the choices we made (and that we can always pack up leftover to take home). John enjoyed a pre-dinner Grey Goose vodka Mortini while I tried the Heavenly Pomegranate Mortini.

Morton's - Frouffy Drink

The Appetizers

I ordered the broiled sea scallops wrapped in bacon (that came recommended) and John had the colossal shrimp cocktail after which he commented, “I could do that about 10 more times.” It’s a good thing he didn’t since we had no idea what was in store for us upon the arrival of our entrees and sides.

Morton's - Scallops w/Bacon

Morton's - Shrimp Cocktail

The Main Course

Before dinner arrived, we got some wine pairing suggestions from Brad that worked out really well. John then had the New York Strip and I ordered the Filet Oskar (which is Filet Mignon with crab and asparagus). I chose broccoli as my side (which turned out to be two full heads of broccoli) and John had the grilled asparagus drizzled with a balsamic dressing. We also split the creamed spinach (for two). Needless to say we didn’t come close to finishing it all.

Morton's - Filet Oskar

Morton's - Filet Oskar

The Dessert

I also had a few people recommend that I try Morton’s Legendary Hot Chocolate Cake, which is made to order. It arrived at our table with a scoop of vanilla ice cream slowly melting alongside the warm dessert topped with raspberries. We were also offered an after dinner drink so my Frangelico with its hazelnut essence was the perfect compliment to the fudge-filled lava cake.

Morton's - Hot Chocolate Lava Cake

The USDA prime-aged steak comes directly from Chicago and the Midwest so after the meal John, my good-hearted corn-fed American man, asked where exactly in the Midwest. They tracked down and confirmed Indiana and Kansas, but couldn’t name the third state. I was pretty impressed that they could name two of three, and John was satisfied with the answer (although he said there would have been bonus points if it came from Iowa).

Morton's - Stuffed Bollwitts

Our experience at Morton’s was fantastic and we were well taken care of. The only down note was that due to the lighting, and me not knowing how to properly use my camera, my photos were all very dark and had an orange hue. I turned them into black & white to at least capture our meal in some way although I wish I could share the bright colours represented on our plates.

Morton’s is definitely something we wouldn’t be able to afford to do often but if you have the means (and love meat and seafood) I highly recommend this unique experience.

The Amazing Hunt 2009

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Over the last five years Bill Lin has been organizing The Amazing Hunt in various communities around the Lower Mainland. He operates private races for corporate or group teambuilding, as well as public races where any pair can sign up to compete. The idea is similar to the hit TV show The Amazing Race although it’s got a more personal and tailored twist to it.

The Amazing Hunt

My first Amazing Hunt was in 2007 and since that time Bill’s evolved the race and added features alongside the TV series — so it’s got everything from Yields and Merges to U-Turns. Bill also produces a video (now in HD) of the entire race so it really feels as though you’re on a reality series. They’re with you every step of the way and then you can watch the professionally produced footage shortly after your event.

The next race is July 11th and will be transit-only, meaning you’ll need to get your team from task to task while only using public transit. I believe you can still register your team for this event, and there’s also a SkyTrain-only race coming up September 5th.

The Big Tsunami's 5th Annual Wine Pairing

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Business Networking International’s Vancouver chapter, The Big Tsunami, is hosting their 5th annual fundraising event this Thursday at Hycroft Manor.

Photo credit: 96dpi on Flickr

Benefiting the CKNW Orphan’s Fund, the event will host a fashion show as well as wine tasting and pairings from premier event chefs. Tickets are $125 and available online.