This is now the fourth week of my Vancouver then and now photo series thanks to the resources available at the City of Vancouver Archives. To celebrate what’s left of summer in the city alongside the launch of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, the theme this week is beaches.
For the past 11 years, on the first Tuesday of every month, something really neat has been taking place at the Vancouver Rowing Club in Stanley Park. Just Singin’ Round is a monthly singer/songwriter showcase put on by the Synergy Foundation. They have professionals, amateurs, first-timers, and family bands who call come together and the best part is that each month, a local non-profit is supported.
Yesterday every cause they have supported this year benefited from the fundraising and I was a guest of the Developmental Disabilities Association (who was the cause of choice in June). For just $25 you can come to the Rowing Club, have a nice meal (including salad, dinner, dessert) and be entertained by the showcase.
You can find information about purchasing tickets or reserving a table for next month’s performance online, and they have been known to sell out very quickly.
For the second time this year, I am organizing a Twestival event in Vancouver.
Twestival is a global fundraising event that is organized through Twitter, using the service to gather volunteers, get community input, invite participants, and publicize the event. Twestival will be like a meetup, where you can show up, have some food, win some prizes, and enjoy some entertainment. 100% of ticket sales go directly to the cause of choice.
Grab your camera, tell people where you’re going, and ask them to join you. That’s pretty much the concept behind a photowalk. Over the last few years I’ve met up with some incredible photographers (professional and amateur) who carry anything from $5,000+ cameras/lenses to Polaroids, pocket cameras, and camera phones. If you enjoy taking photos it’s well worth it to be on the lookout for photowalks in Vancouver.
John Biehler on Flickr
Photowalks usually start out at a specific location and the group will then wander around a loose course to take photos until they arrive at their destination or loop back to the starting point.
John Biehler, PhotoCamp organizer and veteran photowalker who recently participated in the Worldwide Photowalk event in Vancouver says there’s much more to it than taking photos. “I like photowalks because it gives photoraphers a chance to experiment, share their gear and techniques as well as meet new people.”
Some photowalks may only be with your and your friends, while others can gather a large crowd of people, walking around and taking photos of whatever they come across. “The best part though is seeing the end results afterward,” Biehler told me. “Twenty people shooting the same alley always results in a huge variety of awesome pics.”
As there is no central location to find out about a photowalk in town just yet, your best bet it to be on the lookout on Twitter and Facebook. Flickr is also a great resource as there are already several established photowalking groups for the Vancouver area, such as Vandigicam.
Since 2008, I have been a business owner. I am customer service, marketing, sales, accounting and development rolled into one. However, imagining someone who can manage all of that (and more) on top of being a parent is something that I truly admire. This past year I have also met some talented women through such events as the Enterprising Mom’s Networkconference and the YummyMummyClubTweetup. Having the drive, ambition, and vision to excel in business while taking care of others and ensuring they can do the same in their lives, is remarkable.
Savvy Mom is a nation-wide online network of resources to help you learn about health, share, shop, eat, and get the most out of your city’s resources by connecting with other mothers. They have a collection of writers across the country and this contest serves to recognize individuals who have excelled in their field.
Two current nominees have contacted me about the event so I thought it best to highlight each of them.
Sandy Gerber Co-Founder, 3 Degrees West – Nominee Bio.
3 Degrees West Design & Communications was born when Karley Cunningham and Sandy Gerber merged Twist Multimedia and ThreeKids Media in 2005. Since that time they have been offering e-marketing, strategies for corporate presentations, website management, and other aspects of branding and corporate development. 3 Degrees West also believes in giving back as Sandy worked with a poverty relief project in Nicaragua, Bridges to Community.
Natacha V. Beim CEO, Core Education & Fine Arts (CEFA) – Nominee Bio.
Since 1998 CEFA has been providing pre-Kindergarten education in several core learning areas, from mathematics to visual arts. Natacha is a teacher who specialized in European Junior Kindergarten who wanted to bring those same principals and core learning opportunities to our region. She has been preparing to franchise the CEFA method so that schools can be setup around BC and soon, across Canada. There are currently almost 10 CEFA schools around the Lower Mainland.
Past winners of the Savvy Mom Entrepreneur of the Year Award include, Martha Scully of Canadian Sitter Inc (bio), and the team from Mabels Labels (bio). Annemarie Tempelman-Kluit of yoyomama (bio) won last year on behalf of the BC & Territories region.
“Winning the SavvyMom award last year for great for us,” Annemarie told me. “We were only just over a year old, so it was great for increasing our national awareness and credibility. Plus the prize came in handy as well. We approached winning like it was a campaign – figuring out how to best position it as a plus for us and for our readers. Which it truly was. It’s not enough to just post a button on your site and hope to win, instead you need to spread the word and ask for votes in a way that’s compelling for all parties.”
If you know an exceptional woman who handles both being a mother and running a successful business, nominations are still being accepted and voting is open until September 13, 2009. The winner will also receive over $15,000 in prizes and professional services.