Post #4 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.
Blogathon is happening all over the world right now but in Vancouver some of the participants are gathered at Workspace so that we can offer support to each other and have some awesome guests stop by to cheer us on.
I planned on profiling some of the other bloggers joining me here today but I thought a good place to start would be to introduce myself and explain why I’m doing this. Continue reading this post 〉〉
Post #3 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.
Just a quick plug for our location today, which is Workspace in Gastown.
I attended my first social media unconference at Workspace in 2006 and I’ve been a fan of the venue ever since.
It’s the perfect venue for Blogathon Vancouver as it provides an open shared work environment but also small offices in which participants can find some peace and quiet (although everyone is so focused right now you could hear a pin drop).
I’m looking forward to seeing how everything goes today, and through the night, but now that I know how to work the self-serve coffee maker, I think I’ll be just fine.
Post #3 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.
Post #2 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.
The Union Gospel Mission has been helping the hurting, hungry, and homeless in Vancouver (and New Westminster) since 1940.
Aside from their mission drop-in centre that provides hot meals they also host a variety of other services for the community including:
Residential alcohol & drug recovery program for women at Lydia Home
Clean, safe, sober, affordable housing for men and women in the Downtown Eastside at Maurice McElrea Place
Community Drop-in centre for women, hot meals, free clothing, safe environment, supportive counselling, referrals
Education & employment training and opportunities. Speaking of which, the UGM is currently hiring
They are currently running a campaign called, Send a Kid to Camp, Help Change a Life. “Union Gospel Mission makes it possible for kids who wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to pack their bags and head off for the adventure of summer camp.” Having grown up going to summer camp I really do not now how my life would have turned out without those experiences and the friendships I made.
I could go on about the UGM’s services, programs and outreach but since I only have 30 minutes to get each post out during this Blogathon, I’m afraid that’s just not enough time to list it all.
Please consider donating to the UGM at any time during my Blogathon over the next 24 hours, or at any time of year as the assistance and support can always go to someone in need.
Post #2 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.
Post #1 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.
Welcome to Blogathon Vancouver 2009! Every 30 minutes for the next 24 hours I will be publishing a blog post. This is my third year participating in Blogathon and to keep me going, I am once again supporting the Union Gospel Mission through donations from my readers.
We’re all setup at Workspace in Gastown and we should have one heck of a campaign. I’ll be joined by about 15 other bloggers who will each be supporting different causes through Blogathons on their own sites. Throughout the day I’ll be featuring some of these bloggers as well as some guest posts that have been contributed.
Post #1 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.
This fall the Canada Line, Metro Vancouver’s latest Skytrain line, will link the downtown core to Richmond Centre and the Vancouver International Airport. I was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek of the line this morning as a small group of us rode from Waterfront station to each of the other terminus stations in Richmond.
You can view the rest of my photos on Flickr and another item of note is that cell reception for Telus and Rogers is spotless throughout the tunnels as they both have setups down there.
This weekend the Canada Line / Shop The Line is presenting the Granville Showcase. Granville Street is re-opening after its construction phase (although there’s still some landscaping going on). I’ll be there for a short while during Blogathon to judge a contest with @CatherineBarr over at The Edge around 4:00pm.
Update from News 1130: “The new Canada Line rapid transit line will open for service on Monday, August 17th. People will be able to ride Canada Line between Waterfront Station in downtown Vancouver, Richmond City Centre and YVR. And to celebrate, you’ll be able to ride for free from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm on August 17th.”
Update from Google: The Canada Line is now searchable in Google Maps, under directions.