After winning the first Canadian gold medal on home turf freestyle moguls skier Alex Bilodeau had a press conference this morning which I sat in on at the BC International Media Centre. Press asked him about his career, his defining moment, and just how much partying he has done already.
The very humble Bilodeau replied in both French and English, offering much praise to the Own the Podium program, his family (in particular his brother), and his fellow athletes. “This extraordinary effort does not come in isolation,” said Peter Judge, CEO of the Canadian Freestyle Ski Association. “First and foremost we are thanking Canada.”
Bilodeau said that in regards to the opening and closing ceremonies, “we all came in as a team and we’ll leave as a team.” Among those he credited with his success he gave a shout out to a man they affectionately refer to as “Databoy”. His real name being Alan, he was in charge of collecting data to help them train better, faster and strong.
Running on 3 hours of sleep after many media meetings, appearances and television spots in the last 18 hours, Bilodeau did a great job of even addresses tough questions from press about judging at sporting events like his. “The only thing I can control is my performance,” he noted.
Bilodeau’s been a fan of freestyle skiing most of his life. He said (in French) that at 7 years old when watching Jean-Luc Brassard he would jump up and down with excitement. No one can deny his passion for the sport which has made him an instant household name in Canada.
When asked what his coach’s last words of wisdom were before he went down his medal-winning run he simply replied, “I said to him, ‘thank you’.”
With many more press conferences, interviews, and photo ops on his horizon Bilodeau is ultimately looking forward to seeing his family tonight. He added, “for me it’s just the beginning of a great party & all of Canada is invited.”
About a week ago the Vancouver 2010 iPhone application was launched on iTunes. I hear they had 15,000 downloads even before making any kind of official announcement and I can see why.

After downloading the app, I can see why. It’s a fully comprehensive directory for sporting events, cultural events, Games schedules, venues, and maps all rolled into one.
The application is free and available in the iTunes store. If you download it be sure to give it a shake (yes, shake your iPhone) to find a neat surprise that the kids will love.
They have a few more Olympic related apps on iTunes such as NBC Olmypics (which may not work in Canada), CTV Olympics, and the super fun Cowbell 2010 / Bell Cowbell applications.
For Day Three of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games we took a water taxi over the Granville Island and spent the morning and afternoon with friends.
Day Three, February 14, 2010

My first item of business was judging a chocolate recipe contest at the House of Switzerland. Chefs from Kelowna, Vancouver, and Montreal has submitted their creations which were replicated for the judging process. All were divine but we ended up crowning the crispy pecan chocolate bars.

After the chocolate we headed to Atlantic Canada House, which is also on Granville Island.

There were throngs of people everywhere and lineups to get into every pavilion. Luckily, it was a gorgeous day the waiting was mostly painless for many. Inside the Atlantic Canada House we met up with a few friends and created some content – from photos to live streaming video coverage.
We stuck around until Kristina Groves won the bronze medal in speed skating and went out for dinner. While enjoying our meal Alexandre Bilodeau won Canada’s first gold medal on home soil. The cheers and celebrations sounded throughout the community as history was made.

Hopping back on the water taxi and walking home, the City was still alive and simply buzzing. I had a fantastic time with friends and especially my dear husband on Valentine’s Day, it was just perfect. This is only Day Three and so much has happened already, I can’t wait to see how the rest of these electrifying weeks will unfold.
Medal Count for Canada – February 13, 2010
Gold: 1
Silver: 1
Bronze: 1
A few days into the Olympics and I’ve come to realize what you need when you are getting around town to multiple events. Yesterday I put together a list while I was sitting inside Canada Hockey Place, after waiting 45 minutes to get through their security. Here are my top things to remember when you’re an Olympic spectator.
Wear comfortable shoes
Without cars and with transit re-routed due to street closures, walking is your best option around this city. I walk from the West End to the BCIMC at Robson Square, to Olympic venues and hospitality houses. Warm socks and running shoes have prevented my feet from being rubbed down to a nub. Wear shoes with support and some that can get wet as these are being dubbed “The Rain Games”.
Carry as little as possible
Heading through security at the Olympic venue yesterday there were families with backpacks full of picnic food that of course, they weren’t allowed to bring in. Some tossed items away while I saw at least half a dozen people polishing off apples near the security tent before being let through. Your bags will be searched, your pockets will be emptied. Try to carry as little as possible and only the essentials if you’re going to any live celebration site or venue with security.
Carry transit fare
I have been walking everywhere but the SkyTrain and Canada Lines have been saviors in hurried times. They’re probably your best bet for distance travel right now so be sure to carry at least $2.50 to board. If you have an Olympic ticket for an event, you may ride transit for free on the day of your event.
Show your colours
Whether you support Team Ukraine or Team Canada, wear your nation’s colours on your sleeve – literally. You can hit up the official Olympic Superstore at HBC or visit Roots & Lululemon for unofficial and international merchandise. One thing I must note though is that my husband’s been getting sour looks for wearing Team USA gear. We’re very welcoming of every nation yet his Team USA gear always brings attitude out in people (moreso locals). Lets make sure to have the right attitude as we are welcoming the world, even our brothers to the South.
Get a cowbell. Ring it. Go Canada. Repeat.
Thank the blue jacket volunteers
Thousands of those blue jacket Olympic volunteers are out there showing you the way, getting you into your event, and wrangling the massive crowds to make sure everyone’s on the right track. They’re kind, they’re local, they’re not being paid but they’re here to help. If you get the chance, thank a blue jacket volunteer today.
Leave lots of time
Since there are crowds of thousands meandering through the streets of Vancouver make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go. Allow at least an extra hour in travel time whatever your destination may be.
Those are just a few of my tips for spectators and Olympic visitors in Vancouver right now. If you have any of your own, please feel free to leave them in the comment section.
My daily series of Olympic recaps continues as I share my personal experiences through photos.
Day Two, February 13, 2010
Probably the biggest highlight of the day for me was watching women’s hockey at Canada Hockey Place.
The Canadian team skated over Slovakia 18-0 (shots on goal 67-9) but the Slovkian team still raised their sticks and saluted the audience when the match was over. It was a very respectful and joyous moment, even though they were defeated.
I can’t publish photos from inside the venue on my site but John has an amazing capture on Flickr. It kind of goes against my “in photos” daily feature but if you click through you’ll see John’s great shots – I just don’t want to risk posting them here.
After the game we headed to the Kingston Pub to watch Jennifer Heil win the silver medal in moguls.
Many people are wanting to check out hospitality houses right now and while they are peeks into the culture of other countries and provinces, our regular bars, restaurants and pubs are still all open for business.
Finally, walking home we caught the Decentralized Dance Party going down Granville.
While my Day Two at the Olympics didn’t contain much, it was full of substance. Here’s looking to Day Three where ice hockey, moguls, luge, pairs figure skating and other events take the stage. I’ll be heading over to the House of Switzerland Canada to judge a chocolate competition and all are welcome to stop by. There are also Chinese New Year celebrations around town so once again, Vancouver will be hopping.
Medal Count for Canada – February 13, 2010
Gold: 0
Silver: 1
Bronze: 0