Vancouver Receives Fair Trade Town Status

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

This afternoon City Council passed a motion to support Fair Trade, making Vancouver the first major city in Canada to achieve “Fair Trade Town” status.

Fair Trade VancouverThe application process has taken about a year however this afternoon’s vote sealed the deal. From a press release issued today, “The city’s endorsement of the application was the last step required by TransFair Canada to bestow Trade Town status on Vancouver. This award officially recognizes two decades of work by local and international Fair Trade supporters, as well as a civic ethical purchasing policy that was enacted in 2005.”

Mayor Gregor Robertson said, “We want to be the greenest city in the world, and a part of that is ensuring that our goods and services are produced and delivered in a responsible way.”

This Saturday May 8th, World Fair Trade Day is being celebrated at the Ten Thousand Villages store on Granville Island (1660 Duranleau Street).

Participate in a drumming circle, thrill to African Dancing with Jackie Essombe and friends and hear about Vancouver’s bid to become the first major city in Canada to gain “Fair Trade Town” status. Have a slice of Fair Trade birthday cake made by students from the Pacific Institute for Culinary Arts, to be served in the store at 2:00pm along with Fair Trade coffee.

In honor of this recent achievement there will be a ceremony from 1:00pm – 2:00pm outside the store with speeches from City Councilors and representative of the Fair Trade Movement. World Fair Trade Day events will then continue at the Improv Centre from 2:30pm until 4:00pm.

Fair Trade is an alternative and ethical way of doing business with the developing world. Unlike conventional trade which seeks to obtain the lowest possible prices for imported products – no matter what this means for the quality of life of farmers and producers – Fair Trade seeks to ensure that farmers are able to live a life of dignity.

You can read more on, the website of a non-profit group that hosts meetups and provides information about where to buy Fair Trade products in Vancouver. They are also on Twitter @Fair_Trade_Van.

Miss World Canada Pageant

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 2010 Miss World Canada Pageant has been hosting events in Vancouver all week that will culminate in the crowning in a ceremony tomorrow night.

Photo credit: Jennifer Donley on Flickr

When Friday, May 7th, 2010 6:00pm (silent auction starts) 7:00pm (showtime)
Where Chandos Pattison Theatre in Surrey (10268 – 168 Street)

Tickets for the crowning gala are still available for $25 and proceeds from the silent auction will benefit Variety – The Children’s Charity.

For fun, you can view an article in The Province that interviewed some of this year’s contestants regarding their hockey predictions and allegiances.

The winner of Miss World Canada 2010 will receive an all-expense paid trip to travel abroad for five weeks and compete in the Miss World pageant in Vietnam this November. She will also receive scholarships and opportunities to work with and become a spokesperson for Variety.

2010 Winter Games Street Banners for Fundraising

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The City of Vancouver is releasing several of its 2010 Olympic and Paralympic street banners to local non-profits who wish to use them for fundraising.

Photo credit: rwill on Flickr

Non-profit organizations are encouraged to fill out applications for use of the banners to propose how they would use them for fundraising. The city is specifically looking for campaigns that would benefit the Downtown Eastside, Downtown South and Mount Pleasant.

Photos © Susan Gittins on Flickr

You can view a PDF of the banners and download the PDF application form on the City’s site. Deadline for submissions is May 19th, 2010.

Hockey Canada Store Giveaway

Comments 137 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s the first week of May and hockey fever is alive and strong in Vancouver. The Canucks are 3 games into their round two series with Chicago and around the NHL, eight teams are still vying for a spot in the Stanley Cup final.

We’ve had a fantastic year of hockey in Vancouver so far and no moment was greater than when Team Canada won the gold medal at the Olympic Winter Games.

Photo credit: s yume on Flickr

The Hockey Canada online store is still stocked full with Team Canada gear, from teddy bears and books to pucks and golf bags.

Until Sunday, you can get t-shirts and swag 15% off for Mother’s Day by entering the code “luvmom” when you check out.

They would also like to offer one of my readers $100 to spend on anything they like.

Here’s how to enter the draw to win the $100 gift code for the Hockey Canada online store:

  • Leave a comment on this post naming your favourite item in the Hockey Canada online store (2 entries)
  • Post the following on Twitter (1 entry):
  • Enter to win $100 for the Hockey Canada online store from @Miss604

    I’ll run the contest until May 18th and will do the draw at 9:00am.

    Update The winning entry is Shaylene. Congratulations and have fun spending the gift card!

    Whale in False Creek

    Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    This afternoon a grey whale (probably the one spotted in Howe Sound this weekend) wandering into False Creek. The whale swam right past Science World, the Olympic Village, and Granville Island where a few lucky onlookers were able to snap some photos.

    Photo credit: @katerainy on Twitter

    Photo credit: CTV Chopper 9

    Photo credit: Vancouver Public Library on Flickr
    Grey Whale in False Creek
    Photo credit: Bike Hike Travel on Flickr

    If you were able to capture the grey whale in a photo please consider adding it to the Miss604 Flickr Group and I’ll showcase it here (with credit of course).

    Update CTV is reporting that the whale is still flirting with Vancouver waterways and was spotted well into the evening last night.

    If you are trying to spot the whale I’ve been told to scan the horizon and keep your eyes peeled for air and water coming up from the blowhole. That big splash will immediately catch your attention.