Timeraiser Vancouver 2012

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 5th annual Timeraiser is happening Thursday, November 8, 2012 at the Roundhouse in Yaletown. It’s the only event around that combines supporting local artists through an artwork auction with raising volunteer hours for local causes.

Photo credit: GusF on Flickr

Tickets are currently on sale for $20 and the goal is to raise 4,000 volunteer hours at the event. This would equal to everyone in attendance pledging 20 hours over the next 12 months.

Each artist is paid a fair value for their piece in exchange for having them auction it off for volunteer time. Non-profit agencies can apply to be recipients of the volunteer hours and get exposure through the event.

Confirmed agencies for Timeraiser Vancouver include:

411 Seniors Centre Society
Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society BC
Canadian Women Voters Congress
Canadian Youth Business Foundation
Compassionate Eye Foundation
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver
Marpole Oakridge Family Place Society
Mission Possible
MS Society, BC & Yukon Division
Pacific Post Partum Support Society
Pink Ink Theatre Productions (dba Pi Theatre)
Pride in Art Society
PTC (Playwrights Theatre Centre)
Special Olympics BC
Spinal Cord Injury BC
Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation
The Lipstick Project Society
Theatre Terrific
Urban Native Youth Association
West End Seniors’ Network (WESN)
Skwachàys Healing Lodge & Urban Aboriginal Fair Trade Gallery

Timeraiser takes place across Canada in Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Montreal, Regina, St John’s, Toronto, Vancouver, and Winnipeg. Each supports artists in the community along with benefitting local non-profit organizations.

If you would like to check out Timeraiser Vancouver on November 8th, I have a pair of tickets up for grabs. Here’s how you can enter to win:

  • Leave a comment naming a non-profit you would support with your time (1 entry)
  • Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
RT to enter to win tickets to @Timeraiser Vancouver from @Miss604 http://ow.ly/eRCCL

I will draw one winner at random from all entries on Friday, November 2, 2012.

Township 7 Vineyards Savour & Support for PADS

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

BC is known for its own wine country in the Okanagan but I’m also a big fan of our hyper-local wineries in the Fraser Valley and the Lower Mainland. One of which is Township 7 Vineyards off of 16th Ave in Langley.

Savour & SupportThis month Township 7 has teamed up to support the Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (“PADS”) and will be hosting an event next week at Blue Water CAfe + Raw Bar in Yaletown for the cause.

Until October 31, 2012 you can enter to win your way into an evening of outstanding cuisine at Blue Water Cafe + Raw Bar with Chef Frank Pabst and Township 7’s proprietors in support of PADS. Enter the contest by emailing info[at]township7.com before the end of the month with the subject line “Savour & Support PADS Contest”. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address. A winner will be selected November 2nd. Full contest details are posted online.

If you don’t win your way into the dinner you can support PADS this month by purchasing a bottle of Township 7’s Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, or Chardonnay. 25 cents from each bottle will go to PADS.

PADS’ Mission is to breed, raise, train and place Assistance Dogs for persons with a physical disability or who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and to support these client/dog teams for the working life of the PADS’ Assistance Dog. This service is available to anyone in Western Canada who would like the added independence of an Assistance Dog.

Learn more about PADS by following them on Twitter and Facebook. Follow Township 7 on Twitter and Facebook for more information about the winery and their events.

Vancouver History: Ivan Ackery

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver’s known for its H-shaped telephone pole alleyways which have been featured in film and television series for decades. Some have names given to them by historians or businesses but others, like Ackery Alley between Granville and Seymour, were named in tribute.

Ivan Ackery with framed caricature and letters at desk. VPL Accession Number: 59306

Ivan Ackery was the Orpheum Theatre’s manager between 1935 and 1969, and Chuck Davis writes that it’s fair to say that Ackery was the single most important person in the Orpheum’s history.

From the very beginning Ackery was totally committed to whatever he was doing. In 1927, the year the Orpheum opened, 28-year-old Ivan happened to be manager at a rival theatre, the Victoria on Victoria Drive near East 43rd. “And I remember going down Granville Street that year, and I thumbed my nose at the Orpheum. Oh, I was so jealous.”

He actually did that. He actually put his right thumb up against his nose and wiggled his fingers at this upstart picture palace. He had no idea that about eight years later they’d put him in charge of running the place, the biggest theatre in Canada, and he would do such a great job that he would stay there for the next 35. [VancouverHistory]

Chuck Davis wrote a 4-part article on his Vancouver History website and there are about 11 index references to Ackery in Chuck Davis’ History of Metropolitan Vancouver. Ackery was that important to Vancouver’s entertainment scene for three straight decades, while his legacy lives on.

1953 – Ivan Ackery and Marilyn Monroe. VPL Number: 59307.

Ackery came to Canada in 1914 and served for the Canadian Army in WWI. His first theatre job in Vancouver was as an usher at the Capitol on Granville in 1923. He was then promoted to manager of the Victoria Theatre in South Vancouver in 1927 and then to manager of the Dominion Theatre in downtown Vancouver in 1930. A big part of a theatre manager’s role in those days was promoting the films and live shows that were coming through and being sure to fill seats. Ackery became known for his promotional abilities and stunts. He also managed the Capitol Theatre in Victoria in 1932 but returned to Vancouver in 1934 to manage the Strand Theatre, a big promotion from his company Famous Players. Just a year later he moved onto the Orpheum where he would stay until 1969.

All of the legendary tales you hear about the Orpheum – from the Canadian premiere of Gone with the Wind to live shows featuring Ella Fitzgerald, George Burns, Jack Benny, Duke Ellington, and Louis Armstrong were all during Ackery’s time.

In his many trips to New York and Hollywood to pick up awards for his promotional efforts Ivan rubbed elbows with a lot of well-known movie personalities: Gene Tierney, Michael Caine, Victor Jory, Alan Ladd, Elizabeth Taylor, Ethel Merman, Bob Hope, George Sanders, Jack Benny . . . but, as mentioned, he never lost the awe he felt when in the presence of major stars. [VancouverHistory]

After retirement, Ackery was still involved in the local community and in the 1970’s he spearheaded the campaign to save the Orpheum. He was inducted into the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame and you can find his plaque on Granville Street’s Star Walk.

On October 30, 1985 one of the proudest days in Ivan’s life occurred. The event (at the Orpheum, of course!) was Ivan’s 86th birthday celebration. The show was emceed by Red Robinson, and Mayor Mike Harcourt was there to declare October 30, 1985 Ivan Ackery Day. At the end of the ceremony, Ivan was brought to tears by a standing ovation from the audience. “I want to thank most of all the public. The public of Vancouver has been so great to me. [VancouverHistory]

Ivan Ackery passed away in 1989, just shy of his 90th birthday. If you want to read about Vaudeville in Vancouver, our entertainment district’s history, and the Orpheum’s legacy, read up on Ivan Ackery. Check out his autobiography and take a minute to pause at Ackery’s Alley the next time you’re walking up Smithe, between Seymour and Granville.

Support Balding for Dollars with Hype Hair Studio & Disney on Ice

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Disney on Ice presents Dare to Dream is coming to the Pacific Coliseum November 21-25, 2012. In honor of this show, Disney on Ice is partnering with Hype Hair Studio in Vancouver to support a very worthy local cause, Balding for Dollars.

Disney On Ice is inviting the community to cut and donate their hair at Hype Hair Studio from November 5th to November 9th in order to benefit underserved children suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

In appreciation of their kind-hearted gesture, each person donating their hair to charity will receive a free family pack of four tickets valued at $96 (available for the first 50 donations) to a Disney On Ice presents Dare to Dream show featuring the debut of Rapunzel and other classic Disney princesses Tiana and Cinderella.

It is estimated that children make up 80% of the donors for Balding for Dollars allowing children to help other children. Balding for Dollars is just one of the campaigns at the BC Children’s Hospital that aims to raise funds and support for the Oncology, Hematology, and BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) programs.

If you would like to donate at Hype Hair Studio, here are the guidelines:

  • Hair must be clean and dry prior to cutting.
  • The minimum length for hair donations is 8 inches.
  • Curly hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 8 inches.
  • Hair that has been chemically processed cannot be accepted.
  • Grey hair is acceptable.
  • Donations must be tightly bound in a ponytail or secured with rubber bands one at each end of the ponytail and in the middle; and placed in a sealed plastic bag.

Hype Hair Studio is located at 2695 West 4th Ave. Call (604) 732-4973 or book online to make your appointment. Donations can be made between Monday, November 5, 2012 and Friday, November 9, 2012 throughout the day. See Hype Hair Studio’s website for exact times.

Tickets for Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream are now on sale and can be purchased separately.

72-Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last night a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Haida Gwaii and led to tsunami warnings up and down the coast. Rolling aftershocks hit while everyone was looking for information about our coastal communities. Fortunately our warnings in our area were downgraded to ‘advisories’ however places like Hawaii were still on guard hours later in anticipation of a tsunami-like event, of whatever size.

It’s times like these that make us think about preparedness. If you grew up in the Lower Mainland like me you’ve probably participated in drills for the last few decade but during my recent trip to the Canadian Red Cross’ Emergency Response Unit (“ERU”) practice facility, the idea of being prepared for a disaster scenario really hit home. In an emergency situation you want to be sure to have enough supplies for you and your family for 72 hours, packed away in an easy-to-carry container like a suitcase with wheels or a backpack.


Here is a list of recommended emergency kit items from the Canadian Red Cross:

  • Water: During an emergency, tap water can become polluted or supply may be cut off. Store two litres of drinking water and two litres of water for washing per person, per day, keeping a 72 hour supply on hand for your family and any pets. Listen to public announcements about treating the water in your area after a disaster. Once per year, make use of your water supply and add fresh water to your kit.
  • Food: Store at least a 72 hour supply of non-perishable food for each person. Select foods that are compact and lightweight, non-perishable and require no refrigeration, cooking, preparation or added water. Once per year, check the expiration dates of your food items. Ensure that there is enough for each member of your family.
  • Manual can opener
  • Crank or battery-operated flashlight, with extra batteries
  • Crank or battery-operated radio, with extra batteries
  • Extra keys, for house and car
  • First aid kit
  • Cash in small bills
  • Special needs items – medications, baby formula and diapers, and equipment for people with disabilities. Learn more about plans for people with disabilities.
  • Copy of your emergency plan

There is much more information available on the Red Cross’ website and during an event like this in the future, you can follow @EmergencyInfoBC on Twitter, the Government of BC on Facebook, and Emergency Info BC online. The City of Vancouver has specific information here.