5 Stanley Park Trails You Should Explore

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Seawall is one of Vancouver’s claims to fame. It provides a smooth path for walkers, joggers, strollers, rollerbladers, and cyclists to circumnavigate the city’s crown jewel, Stanley Park, while providing views from sunrise to sunset. However, there’s a whole lot to be explored and appreciated under the park’s 1,001 acre canopy so I’d love to introduce a few of our favourite trails which are a part of an elaborate, winding and scenic forest network.

5 Stanley Park Trails You Should Explore

Stanley Park Photowalk Stanley Park Photowalk Stanley Park Photowalk

Getting Started

Every Stanley Park trail is on Google Maps including Google Street Views so you can check out the paths before you go. I have marked five trails on the map below and while there are many others that connect (I have marked some feeder trails in light blue) I decided to start with these five because they’re a good introduction to the variety of terrain in the park.

Recommended trails are marked. Other blue trails are optional feeder routes. All other trails in grey.

1. Cathedral Trail

Length: 280 meters from Lagoon Drive to Lees Trail
Location and Trail Features: The Cathedral Trail is a good starting point from Second Beach and Lost Lagoon. You can walk or cycle in along Lost Lagoon, or park at Second Beach, and enter the woods along Cathedral’s new boardwalk. This elevated trail allows for streams to flow underneath instead of cutting it off with a muddy gravel trail. It’s a nice new addition and a good way to start your trek.

Along Cathedral you’ll find dozens of uprooted trees from the windstorm of 2006 (where gale-force winds reached 119km/h) and it’s fascinating to see how the forest has reclaimed them. There is a small pond with ducks, interpretive signs, and an alligator made of a fallen log that I believe has lost its shape in recent years (see photo below from 2011).

Cathedral leads you right to the spot of the Seven Sisters of Stanley Park before turning into the Bridle Path. You can turn around (making for a 10-15 minute round trip) or continue up Bridle which runs all the way up the park, parallel to the causeway, peaking at Prospect Point.

Stanley Park Photowalk

Stanley Park Photowalk

Stanley Park Photowalk

2. Lovers Walk

Length: 1km from Rawlings Trail to Bridle Path
Location and Trail Features: Lovers isn’t a main trail that we take all the time but it’s a nice, wide connecting route with nurse logs, towering cedars, huckleberries, and no sound of traffic from the causeway piercing through like it does on some other forest trails. I also like lovers because of the two trees in the photo below, which look like they are embracing.

3. Beaver Lake

Location and Trail Features: You definitely have to use other trails to get to this one but Beaver Lake offers its own unique take on Stanley Park. Peel away from the evergreens, stumps, mulch, and ferns and enjoy this overgrown wetland with and ducks passing through. While lush and green in spring and summer, I love Beaver Lake in the fall when the foliage starts to change for the season and the brush parts to reveal the open water.

Talaysay Tours Talaysay Tours

Autumn in the Park

4. Avison Trail

Length: 1km from the Seawall to Prospect Point
Location and Features: Avison is a nice little diversion from the Seawall but be aware, it is almost all uphill as it leads you from sea level, under the Lions Gate Bridge, and all the way up to Prospect Point. It gives you some unique views, like that of the bridge’s underbelly, and if you’re in need of an emergency ice cream cone you’ll find it at the Prospect Point Cafe, a nice reward at the top of the trail.

Avison Trail Namesake: Henry Avison, Stanley Park Superintendent 1888-1895, the first employee of the Vancouver Park Board. He cut Stanley Park’s first trails and was its first zoo keeper, designed the park’s first gardens, and lived in a lodge by its entrance.

Stanley Park Photowalk

Stanley Park Photowalk

5. Merilees Trail

Length: 1.8km Stanley Park Drive near Prospect Point to Third Beach
Location and Features: You can either enter the Merilees Trail from the bottom at Third Beach, or from two places up top along Stanley Park Drive just south of Prospect Point. The Merilees Trail is lined with lush leafy greenery, flowers, and berry bushes that have all found their way to the sunlight after the big wind storm of 2006 clearcut the area. Depending which way you enter the trail, you’ll have a steep climb or a steep decline on loose gravel so pay attention to your footing.

There are some picnic tables that get a lot of sunlight during the day and that lookout over the water, which make for a nice pit stop. Merilees also splits off into the Siwash Rock Trail, which is a worthy diversion thanks to the beautiful lookout on the cliff in front of the actual Siwash Rock. You’ll be high above the Seawall, looking out at West Vancouver, English Bay, Point Grey and Kitsilano.

Merilees Trail namesake: Harold Merilees. General Manager of Tourism Vancouver in the 1960s and was known as “Vancouver’s first great ad man”.

WestCoast Air Sea Plane Tour

Merilees Trail Stanley Park

Bonus! The Reservoir Trail doesn’t really lead anywhere but I love it for its history. There actually used to be a reservoir in Stanley Park, providing water to downtown Vancouver. Stay tuned for more Stanley Park trail tips and check out my series with the Stanley Park Ecology Society to learn more about their work in the park.

Read more! 3 More Trails to Explore + 4 More Trails to Explore in Stanley Park.

*use at your own risk

Homegrown e-Cookbook: Late Summer Nights

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

latesummernightsThere are certainties in life such as death, taxes, and that you’ll find photos of other people’s food on Instagram. Based in Victoria, Steffani Cameron is one of said sharers of food photos; however her descriptions, sharp photography, and lessons about shopping local added so much substance to her online postings that she was compelled to reach beyond social media and write a cookbook.

Known as SnarkySteff on her Twitter and Instagram accounts, Steff’s writing style is blunt, bold, and refreshing, which is exactly what you’ll find with her recipes in her new e-cookbook Smutty Eats: Late Summer Nights. From salads, mains, sides and soups, dips and spreads, to snacks, it’s a no-nonsense guide to eating well at home with fresh, local ingredients.

Steff has been blogging since 2004, on Twitter since 2008 (formerly known as SmuttySteff), cooking since she was 5 years old, and she to used teach teen cooking camps. Her online following has been asking her to share recipes for a long time, and some have even encouraged her to open a restaurant. She figured the cookbook would be “the lesser of two evils” and so she self-published this summer.

“As I got into it I started feeling more and more political about it, like how cooking is a political action now. I mean, we fetishize restaurants, we turn chefs into celebrities, and all this kind of shit when you know, really, you can do it at home. You don’t need to go spend all of this money.”

“Real food doesn’t need to be complicated. I’m a lover of rich and decadent flavours, but also bright, crisp contrast. I’ve picked a variety of recipes I hope make your late summer harvest nights special yet simple.” ~ Late Summer Nights

Steff and I have been friends for a few years now, and naturally we met through the blogging and social media scene in Vancouver. She’s been living in Victoria for the last two years and I had to ask if the change of scenery helped inspire her cooking.

“Even the first year when I moved [to Victoria] and money was tight, I found myself making different choices as often as I could.”

“I can’t buy packaged bacon anymore because I’ve been spoiled by the quality that’s offered here. Everybody’s doing their own bacon from some local pig and they’re curing it themselves, and it’s different at every store. It’s never wet or bloody or anything like that. I mean it’s night and day from what I used to eat in Vancouver.”

Steff encouraged me to look up some figures on Vancouver Island’s food resources over the last few decades. I found a report out of the University of Victoria that says 50 years ago, Vancouver Island produced 85% of its own food. Today, island farms produce about 5% of all of the food consumed (MacNair, 2004).

“I think that what’s happening in Victoria is a lot of people in my generation, in your generation, are coming back and starting farms, starting artisan meat shops and they’re really trying to use the best of local product. And I don’t know if it’s the restaurants putting it on the public or if the public has demanded it but one way or the other it seems like it’s more authentic than what’s going on in other cities. Everybody’s just really invested in trying to have a local food scene that’s strong again.”

In Smutty Eats: Late Summer Nights you’ll find recipes for Bacon & Egg Salad, Drunken Gazpacho & Parmesan Toast, Cocoa-Chilli Pulled Pork, and Salted Chocolate Popcorn with Honey & Coconut Oil among others.

Bacon & Egg Salad by Steffani Cameron

Steff said they were inspired by her own ideas of what she wanted to eat. She would go to the internet, do searches, look for recipes, and when she found no results or something close enough to what she was looking for, she would give it a try.

One of the recipes was inspired by a restaurant dish, from a place that had closed down. Through trial and error she was able to replicate the dish and once again enjoy its flavours. She takes risks, they pay off brilliantly, and she’s now sharing them with the world.

“If you go and look at the recipes they’re just written differently because I am so conversational in the style and then I’m telling the reader so much about why I’ve chosen that dish, throwing in weird little tips along the way. It’s a really big departure in some ways from other cookbooks so I wasn’t sure if there would be an audience for that.”

Within days of releasing the book, Steff’s received encouraging feedback and has found that people really appreciate not only her cooking style, but her writing. “Cooking is fun. It tastes good, it should be rewarding, it should be good for your soul, it should be a creative outlet.”

Check out Smutty Eats: Late Summer Nights for yourself, it’s available now on Amazon for $6.49CAD.

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Over the weekend Scott Graham nominated me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by dumping a bucket of water on his head and calling me out in his online video. The rules for this viral campaign are simple: Accept a nomination by filming your own dousing and nominating up to three others to do a same, or donate $100 to ALS related causes in your area. This campaign has been so popular that celebrities and sports stars are nominating each other and we now have videos of Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, and even Bill Gates getting soaked for the cause.

One might ask, does ALS get support even if the ice bucket challenge is completed? Yes, it does. While the campaign has been called “Slacktivism” meaning you’re supporting a cause pretty much by clicking “Like” button or dumping water over your head (and not actually donating to the cause), according to the CBC: “The ALS Association said Monday it has received $15.6 million in donations since July 29, an eight-fold spike over the $1.8 million donated during the same period last year. The association said this summer’s donations have come from existing donors as well as more than 300,000 new donors.”

You may have grown tired of watching people get dumped with buckets of ice cube-filled water but it’s actually really great to see a cause get so much attention and support.

Last week I was locked in a kennel at the SPCA, last November I spent the night in an alley in support of Covenant House, and I have also rappelled down the side of a downtown skyscraper for Easter Seals.

I am normally up for doing something kooky in support of a great cause. However, I only have 24 hours to accept Scott’s challenge and I’m tied to my desk writing and transcribing audio. That being said, I accepted Scott’s challenge and while I won’t be dumping a bucket of ice over my head, I have donated $100 to the ALS Society of BC.

ALSBCThe ALS Society of BC raises funds for both research and to provide direct services and support to those currently living with ALS.

Until a cure is found, the Society provides patient services to improve the quality of life of those diagnosed with this disease by offering an extensive equipment loan program, support groups, and educational materials.

Patients are referred to the Society by neurologists and other healthcare professionals, particularly those at the ALS Centre at G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre. Working together as partners, G.F. Strong team and the Society are dedicated to enhancing each patient’s quality of life. There is no cost for ALS patients to register or to access our services.

For more information, follow ALS BC on Twitter, Facebook and consider participating in some ALS BC events next year like the Peoples Drug Mart Walks for ALS in BC & Yukon.

Metro Vancouver Garlic Festival

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Sharing Farm is proud to present its 6th Annual Garlic Festival, the largest in Metro Vancouver. Taking place August 24th, this free event will have fun for the whole family along with cooking demos, great food, exhibitors, live entertainment and more – including garlic ice cream.

Photo credit: The Sharing Farm

New this year is the addition of Graphic Illustrator Sam Bradd. Through the magic of art, draw two important questions: What does a healthy and well-fed community look like? What does garlic mean in your home?

Over 1,000 pounds of fresh garlic will be available for sale with farm fresh produce, Steveston Pizza will have a special creation cooking up in the cob oven, Earnest Ice Cream will supply the garlic ice cream, 4Cats Art Studio will have a garlic-theme community painting, there will be an expanded area for kids, music, and farm tours.

Stop by the Garlic Festival at Terra Nova Park (2631 Westminster Hwy, Richmond) between 10:00am and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 24, 2014. Parking and bike valet are free. Admission is by donation to Sharing Farm.

The Sharing Farm grows food to feed Richmond families in need. The Farm is run by community members for community members, and is dedicated to providing fresh, healthy, local produce to our less fortunate neighbours. The Sharing Farm operates on a tiny budget, but thanks to the generosity of our over 1,000 yearly volunteers and the devotion of a small core of part-time staff, the Farm is able to provide thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables every year to community meals throughout the city and the Richmond Food Bank.

Find out more about the festival and The Sharing Farm by following along on Twitter and Facebook.

I Love Transit 2014: A Behind The Scenes Tour of SkyTrain for Kids and a Vintage Bus for All

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Disclosure: Sponsored Post — This post has been contributed by Allen Tung of Translink's Buzzer Blog . This is a paid post in partnership with I Love Transit Week 2014Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

I Love Transit Week is coming up August 25th to 29th. Allen Tung of The Buzzer Blog has contributed the following post to promote this year’s campaign. You can find out more by following Translink on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and The Buzzer Blog.


One week each year, we celebrate what we love about transit and I Love Transit Week is back August 25th to 29th! For this year’s celebrations, we’ll be sending ten kids, aged 8 to 12, and their parent or guardian to I Love Transit Camp for a special behind-the-scenes tour of SkyTrain, SeaBus, and much more on Tuesday, August 26th.

We will visit the SkyTrain Operations and Maintenance Centre (OMC) where we’ll see where the vehicles are maintained and cleaned as well as SkyTrain Control. We’ll also visit the SeaBus maintenance docks by Waterfront Station and we’ll have the chance to head up to the bridge and speak to the captain of the SeaBus!

Inside the SkyTrain OMC and the SeaBus docks.

Afterwards, we’ll have some fun on a 40-foot bus and talk to an operator instructor to find out what it’s like to drive a bus. Finally, we’ll meet up with Transit Police and maybe even Transit Security to learn more about everything they do. I’m told they’ll be bringing their vehicles and a special guest if we are lucky.

I Love Transit Camp

If you and your child are interested in this fun day on transit, get your application in now in two easy steps:

  • 1. We’ll need the kids to tell us in 50 words or less what that they love about transit.
  • 2. Email that to thebuzzer@translink.ca with “I Love Transit Camp” in the subject by August 19, 2014.

If you like, you can also include a photo and/or video as part of your entry. Be sure to include the name, age, and phone number of the participant and parent or guardian.

What about those who are no longer kids but who are still young at heart? They can join in the fun too. We are going to have a vintage bus in downtown Vancouver from the Transit Museum Society (TRAMS). Take pictures, explore our transit past, free pins, bus and SkyTrain cutouts and more. This will take place Monday, August 25th at the EasyPark lot at Cambie Street and Georgia Street from 11:00am to 2:00pm.

And as usual, The Buzzer blog will be packed with contests, interviews, essays, submissions from Buzzer readers sharing just why they love transit!


Have you shared your transit love with us? Tweet it with the hashtag #ILoveTransit or email it to thebuzzer@transink.ca. We’ll feature as many as we can on the Buzzer blog! See staff doing a great job? Let us know by going to translink.ca/feedback and filling out a commendation form.