Homfray Lodge in Desolation Sound
byAdventures continue at Homfray Lodge! I spent most of the the day kayaking while John had some down time reading on the dock at this all inclusive resort along the remote waters of world-renown Desolation Sound.
Adventures continue at Homfray Lodge! I spent most of the the day kayaking while John had some down time reading on the dock at this all inclusive resort along the remote waters of world-renown Desolation Sound.
The iconic Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte is back in Starbucks cafés across the country to celebrate its 15th year. Enter to win a $20 Starbucks Canada gift card from Miss604 to celebrate the season.
Fall is one of the best times to visit Fort Langley National Historic Site! From the deliciously fun and seasonal Cranberry Festival, to spooky tours and tales around Halloween, there’s something for the whole family at this heritage attraction.
The West End Heritage Tour on September 29, 2018 opens 15 sites between Robson Street and English Bay, and Burrard Street and Stanley Park making it ideal for getting around by bike, foot, public transit or car.
Enter to win tickets to see Aida Cuevas at the Chan Centre at UBC, September 22, 2018. The ‘Queen of Mariachi’ is Set to Dazzle in One-Night Engagementand Tribute to the Late Juan Gabriel.