Archive for the category "vancouver"

Christmas in Vancouver: Adopt-A-Family

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update 2010 The Salvation Army’s Adopt-a-Family program is back for 2010. Last year I wrote a few blurbs about the Adopt-a-Family program through the Surrey Christmas Bureau. I’m now noticing a lot of Google search love from people seeking to learn more so here’s the scoop: The Adopt-A-Family program is a way to match up […]

I'll Miss Third Tuesday and DemoCamp Vancouver

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

That’s right, I won’t be there to liveblog the latest edition of “battle decks” at DemoCampVancouver04. Why not? Well, I’ll be somewhere between Iowa and Missouri, visiting in-laws and driving through some corn fields, that’s why. John hasn’t been back to see his family in over two years since immigrating to Canada to be my […]

Goodbye, Mr. Kripps

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s as much a fixture of Granville Street as those drunken 19 year-old suburban kids and Bruno Gerussi‘s plaque on the Walk of Fame; Kripps Pharmacy is leaving town, and the famous neon “DRUGS” sign that’s stood there for decades will be taken down. Photo credit: bRONTE dIGITAL on Flickr Recently the famous “Drugs” sign […]

Christmas in Vancouver: Holiday Trains

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Truth be told, these post should be themed “Christmas in Metro Vancouver” as well as “Holiday Time” as I’ll be featuring seasonal activities of many denominations, for various cities in the region. The tale of two trains; Surrey’s Bear Creek Park and Stanley Park’s miniature railway. North Pole Express Train in Bear Creek Park, Surrey […]

Christmas in Vancouver: Santa Claus Parade

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In honor of my friends who already have their houses decorated with trees in place, and my mother who also loves the season, I’m beginning a segment: Christmas in Vancouver. As John and I are leaving the country this coming Saturday we’re going to be missing out on quite a bit, just within the week […]