Archive for the category "vancouver"

Vancouver’s Urban History – Herzog and Foncie

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

After making a post about the Bowmac sign [mbv], I knew there was more that I wanted to say, but with a slightly different and more personal twist. It all has to do with the Fred Herzog exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery, which has been the talk of the town for several months. [Herzog] […]

Get The Car Flags Ready

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I usually leave the hockey blogging to the professionals, but I have to make mention here since this is indeed Miss604’s Canuck Life. Yes, I’m a hockey fan, that ain’t a coincidence, and I’m pretty freakin stoked about our boys going to the playoffs. Vancouver’s playoff spot is assured, so now it’s just a matter […]

Prospect Point Battle Scars

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We went for a 3 hour walk in Stanley Park today. We’re no strangers to the park and its winding trails. We’ve taken tons of pics during the summer, walked through in the rain, done a video podcast after the storms in December and today was just to get another look. More trails were open […]