Archive for the category "vancouver"

H&M Vancouver and the Apple Store, a Match Made in Heaven

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Recently malls have offered lounge areas in their corridors where you’ll find a throw rug, leather arm chairs, maybe a couch, and a handful of husbands camping out until their wives resurface with the credit cards at which time they become porters, carrying all goods purchased out to the vehicle. I for one know that […]

Metro Vancouver Park Series: Ambleside Park

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Next up in the Metro Vancouver Park Series is a guest post written by Terry from West Van who covers the beautiful and multi-functional Ambleside Park. Ambleside Park is the best know attraction in West Vancouver that is not a shopping mall or a ferry terminal. West Vancouver’s citizens gather at Ambleside to socialize, engage […]

Happy Birthday Ethan

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Sometimes Auntie Becky can get wrapped up in work, blogging, and social media events that no matter how fun they are, they still run her down and make her forget really important things. She’s feeling really, really bad today that she missed your birthday yesterday Ethan because you’re such a great little guy and she […]