New Friends and Beach Times

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

When I look back to a year ago I think of everything that has happened and how far John and I have come. Last year was monumental in terms of us getting married and spending the following twelve months on an incredibly tough roller coaster. 2006 was certainly a challenge, emotionally and physically but we’ve been able to grow so much from that experience – of course I say that now

Thanks to an event last August, I have met some amazing people and had the pleasure of getting more acquainted with them over the last couple of months. One of which is Keira, whom I’ve been able to hang out with a bit more recently – I am very thankful to have a new female friend in town.

Photo Credit: John on Flickr

Tonight Keira, John and I decided to drop by Duane’s to hang out a bit since he’s been sick and we haven’t seen him for the last couple days. After some food we picked up ‘the boys’ and headed out to Spanish Banks, as ‘the boys’ need a good dog-friendly off-leash park to play in. I haven’t been over to that side of town in over a year as John and I usually walk to our favourite beach. Planning entire day trips across town and looking up bus routes takes a little more time to put together.

Sunset Keira & Casey
Sunset Keira & Casey

We had fun along at the beach, wading in the crashing waves of the incoming tide and throwing little sticks for Casey and Benji to chase after. Casey being the stick-master and Benji being the ‘guard dog on duty’ barking and confronting any other animal (usually 3 times his size) that would come near our little group.

Good food with friends followed by beach times and a sunset is a fantastic way to spend an evening, this is something I could really get used to.

6 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Keira-AnneThursday, July 5th, 2007 — 11:22pm PDT

    That was a lovely post, Auntie Becks. It made me smile 🙂

  2. DuaneThursday, July 5th, 2007 — 11:25pm PDT

    Yeah thanks for stopping by!

  3. RebeccaThursday, July 5th, 2007 — 11:32pm PDT

    I like the part where Duane didn’t give us SARS

  4. GZ ExpatFriday, July 6th, 2007 — 2:17am PDT

    Good Food…Good Drink and Good Friends…what more can anyone want in life. Great post. And…a terrific sunset picture. Nice work.

  5. mom604Friday, July 6th, 2007 — 1:00pm PDT

    What a feel-good post. This is what summer is all about..friends, fun and food. It’s nice making new friends (not an easy thing to do in this day and age) but your old friends need to know that that does not make them any less special. There is always room for friendship. Be happy!

  6. fotoeinsSunday, July 8th, 2007 — 2:52pm PDT

    Luverly shots of y’all at Spanish Banks …

    Congratulations to you and John on the one-year!

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