I have an ongoing post about the new Canucks uniforms (as previously mentioned… a lot) but I’m also hoping to cover the unveiling of the official new logo and jersey next Wednesday, August 29nd. Rumours and speculation aside, this will be it folks. Here’s the list of events surrounding the reveal: 11:30 am – Tailgate […]
After a wild and crazy night of meet n’ greets here we are. Good morning Barcampers! I started blogging this morning on the bus (in tribute to Tony) and I will be posting content throughout the day today. It won’t be a true live blog but recaps and updates from today’s unconference will be published […]
Over the last few years Bill Lin and his crew have organized Vancouver’s own version of the Amazing Race, and have done a fantastic job. My sister and I were lucky enough to participate earlier this spring and I have to say it’s a really great adventure. Since September 2004, The Amazing Hunt introduces this […]
I have yet to write an entry on Vancouver Coffee about a certain place in Gastown that just makes my morning with their large coffees and breakfast sammiches, but until then I thought I would toss up another Miss604.com poll. While I wait for John to get ready and escort me down to 7-11 I’d […]
My sister’s beau would not believe her when she told him that raccoons can be rather ornery creatures. I confirmed this with a few stories as did John who is always amazed at how tourists in the park stop to take pictures of the nocturnal mammals. They can be dangerous, can hiss at you, not […]