Archive for the category "vancouver"

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Pledge Update

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Overnight, and since my last post, two shifts have started for Blogathon Vancouver 2008. To help keep the bloggers going I have some pledge totals that I have received on the form that I’ll share here… Duane Storey: $205 (and growing by the minute) Danny Dang: $15 (and growing by the minute) Raul Pacheco: $26 […]

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Starting Soon

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Blogathon Vancouver 2008 will be kicking off in mere hours with the first shift starting their publishing marathon at 10:00pm PT. I’ll be catching what I can here in the Mountain Time Zone and will be picking up my shift tomorrow upon my return. Raul, Shane Gibson, Karen Hamilton, Ayeza Garcia, Isabella Mori, Danny Dang, […]

The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Earlier this week I had a poll on my site about the potential smoking ban on Vancouver beaches. Contrary to past articles I have written that have had heated discussions about smokers and non-smokers alike, I was (pleasantly) surprised to see the conversation shift to a matter of litter, as opposed to one about air […]

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Fundraising Starting Now

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Due to unforeseen circumstances my Blogathon Vancouver campaign will now be taking on a later shift instead of my original 5:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday. My “1 post every 30 minutes for 24 hours” will begin upon my return so I’ll pick up the Blogathon on the fly and go until Sunday. My cause of […]