Archive for the category "vancouver"

The East Van Podcast is Alive and Kicking

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The video podcast scene in Vancouver is pretty bare (aside from a nice group of tasty bites produced by DaveO) but thanks to Warren and Jon reviving The East Van Podcast, Vancouverites (East, North, South and West) will be able to enjoy their hyper-local content. In Episode 4 they venture over to Bon’s Off Broadway, […]

A Morning at the Vancouver Aquarium

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I spent a fun-filled morning with my family as guests of the Vancouver Aquarium where the kids enjoyed interactive displays and learning about marine life around the world. When I was little we spent school field trips perched on the edges of our bleacher seats watching the majestic orcas perform stunts for handycam-toting crowds. Nowadays […]

NetSquared Liveblogging: Podcasting for Social Change

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As announced earlier in the week, I’m here at Workspace to liveblog the NetSquared meetup with tonight’s special theme of Podcasting for Social Change. My friend and Surrey brother DaveO [of happyfrog and Raincity] is spearheading the next NetTuesday Meetup over at Workspace. He’ll be leading a panel about Podcasting for Change with talent such […]

Funds for Local Non-Profits from The Metropolis Express

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The last time I was at Metrotown it was to sit on Santa’s knee with Keira that also happened to be when first I noticed the little train carting young ones and their parents around the ground floor of the mall. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that the train provides more than mid-mall […]