Archive for the category "vancouver"

Social Media for Change: Thank Your Donor

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Often when people think of donating to a noble cause they think of dollar signs, however we all have much more to offer our fellow man than cash. Canadian Blood Services has launched a campaign to encourage those who have received blood to share their story and thank their donor through the power of the […]

Power Outages in Vancouver July 14

Comments 19 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: July 13, 2009: Over 40,000 people are affected by a power outages in Vancouver today, West of Cambie street. Check out the BC Hydro map to see who is without power at this time. Power outages, transformer blowouts and traffic gridlock are all part of a chaotic scene in downtown Vancouver today. I’d include […]

Vancouver Folk Music Festival 2008 and Summerfest

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This weekend I’ll be out in Surrey for Fusion Festival but for those who cannot make the Skytrain out to Surrey Central for this (free) three day event filled with dancing, food and concert performances in the park, there’s another event happening down at Jericho Beach Park. Celebrating three days of world music. Vancouver Folk […]

Best of Vancouver 2008: Media Ballot Expanded

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Georgia Straight (the newspaper, not the body of water) is known for being an authority on all-things passing through and within Vancouver and they’re putting the call out for your picks for the 13th annual Best of Vancouver 2008. There are 238 questions in categories like City Life, Media, Arts, & Culture, Travel, Mind […]

iPhone Mania in Vancouver: Tanya and John on the Bill Good Show

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Waiting in line ups since 4:30am, watching the Rogers system fail and confronted by those who simply don’t get the hype, Tanya Davis and John Biehler were real troopers this morning (and continue to be) while attempting to secure their shiny new iPhone 3Gs. Based on the Twitter FailWhale – Photo credit: SeanOsteen on Flickr […]