Archive for the category "vancouver"

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Day of Blogs

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Blogathon was not my creation, it’s something that has been around for many years and since its usual organizers decided to take a break for 2008, I picked up the torch for a mini Vancouver version. There were others who also decided it shouldn’t completely cease to be this year and they have been […]

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Guest Post by Keira

Comments 3 by Guest Author

The following was written and contributed by Keira-Anne I needed to share a story – any story. After some consideration, however, I realized that not just any story would do. Perhaps I could trick myself into finding inspiration. My desk was scattered with random papers, a can of half-drank Dr. Pepper my cell phone and […]

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "Y" is for Yasutaro Yamaga

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I bet you thought I was going to do “Yaletown” eh? Well due to my trusty Vancouver History source I was able to do a quick search of the Hall of Fame and come up with Yasutaro Yamaga. Born in Japan, Yasutaro Yamaga came to British Columbia in 1908. After working as a labourer, he […]