Archive for the category "vancouver"

Torch Relay Celebration in Prince George

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Last night we attended the Vancouver 2010 Torch Relay celebration in Prince George. I don’t want to give away too many details as the crew of 250+ is currently on the road to the Lower Mainland. What I can say is that this traveling act that have been going for about 4 solid months sure […]

Vancouver 2010 Parks and Recreation Impacts

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

With the arrival of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics in just over two weeks many are already aware of the disruption to traffic patterns around the City. However, there will also be changes to local services such as parks and recreation programs. Photo credit: sporkist on Flickr In order to be better prepared, here is a […]

Vancouver Pub Night for Haiti

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The Vancouver digital media industry is hosting the Help for Haiti Pub Night tonight at Steamworks in Gastown. Photo credit: Greg Timm on Flickr Lead organizer and videogame veteran, Brenda Bailey Gershkovitch says, “Like many Canadians, our hearts go out to Haiti. My husband, Eli and I are both take action type of people and […]