Archive for the category "vancouver"

2010 Winter Classic at Fenway Park in Boston

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

On January 1st the legendary Fenway Park in will be home to an open-air hockey game that will see the Boston Bruins take on the Philadelphia Flyers in the 2010 Bridgestone Winter Classic. I won’t be in Boston however I will be in Iowa (where I was for last year’s Winter Classic) and I’ll be […]

Dreams for Women Calendar 2010

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For 2010, Antigone Magazine has released a special calendar with a certain Olympic flare. “Twelve world-class female athletes from Canada and the U.S. have joined in creating the 2010 Dreams for Women Calendar, an inspiring calendar promoting women’s equality. These athletes, many of whom will be competing in the 2010 Olympic Games, have contributed their […]

Vancouver Polar Bear Swim 2010

Comments 17 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The legacy of Peter Pantages will live on New Years Day as Vancouver hosts its 90th annual Polar Bear Swim in English Bay. January 1, 1939 – The Polar Bear Club – Item #: CVA 371-836 This is one of Vancouver’s oldest traditions. Quick tidbit: “In 1928, on January 1st, 16-year-old Ivy Granstrom made her […]

Santa at GE Plaza Robson Square

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This afternoon I headed over to GE Plaza (at Robson Square) for an interview with a news agency. While the reporter and I were standing next to the rink watching the ice get resurfaced, Santa moseyed on by and his helper asked if we wanted to get our pictures taken. Once the interview was complete, […]