Archive for the category "shopping"

happyfrog testing team: the reusable bag

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Since DaveO bestowed $100 upon Keira and I to spend at happyfrog friendly and listed establishments I haven’t done much shopping. However, I bought something today and will deem is my first official purchase as a happyfrog tester, and it’s from a store you might not expect. We’ve seen the emergence of reusable shopping bags […]

Masking Credit Card Numbers

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver businesses are failing to protect my private purchasing information, and they’re probably doing the same with yours too. How often have you eaten at a restaurant in town, paid by credit card and noticed on the receipt you’re about to leave on the table that your entire credit card number is displayed? If you […]

I Need Better Silicone

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Ever since Tod Maffin‘s session at Barcamp I’ve been thinking about getting me some silicone. I have a nice, white, pristine MacBook and I need to protect it somehow. Yesterday at the Apple Store in good ol’ Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood, WA I checked out some possible keyboard covers. They were clear or white and […]

Robson Street Safeway is Closing

Comments 17 by Rebecca Bollwitt

According to the checkout clerk this evening, it’s been 15 years in the making: the Safeway on Robson at Denman is closing its doors this Saturday. I remember when the liquor store across the parking lot shut down, that was when the old building was slated to be demolished and a new super-Safeway was to […]