As much I despise Robson Street, malls and shopping downtown in general, there comes a time when you just need a little retail therapy. That, and the fact that for some reason 3 pairs of my jeans decided to get torn all within the span of a week, lead John and I out in what […]
It wasn’t long ago that I made a post to support the fill-a-bag sale over at Discollection [Miss604], although only a few weeks ago the vintage clothing store shut its doors due to problems with the building in which it was housed. From the design concept to the display ideas to the customer service and […]
Thanks to Northern Voice, we’ve been lurking on the back channel all week. Enjoying the conversation, getting tips, advice, sharing links and just sometimes forgetting we’re still logged in, oops. But thanks to this lovely portal into the world of a Vancouver social media chat, I learned about a sale this weekend at Discollection. A […]