Did you know Sparta was coming to town again for the 3rd time in a year? That’s pretty sweet news for John and I who have been lucky enough to interview Jim and Keeley on the previous 2 occasions. Want to know what makes this even better? They’ll be opening for Alice in Chains. Yes, […]
No, not the beer, but Hillary. On Friday night my sister and I took my niece to see the teen sensation in concert at the Pacific Coliseum. All I can do is quote Yogurt: “Merchandising, merchandising!” Wowsa. They were selling these glow sticks that said ‘Hillary Duff’ on the side and I swear all 10,000 […]
Good day, and welcome to my first appearance on this Blogathon. I’ve been busy for a good portion of today with the newly christened day job, so my appearance here needs to be in true fashion. That means, a post about music, not to mention a nice YouTube video to go along with it. Sadly, […]
On Tuesday July 31st the highly anticipated Hospital Music by Matthew Good hits record store shelves. Of course my niece would turn to me right now and say “what’s the record” but I digress. Starting a press tour prior to the actual concert tour, Matt’s been pretty busy lately. Photo property of Orbitcast Every review […]
Matt wrote a post the other night about an appearance on 99.3 the Fox’s Rock Report today at 6:00pm [CFOX]. As the launch date of Hospital Music nears his schedule gets pretty full but he’s keeping fans and the reader community of his website pretty well updated. We will be streaming ‘Born Losers’ on the […]