Archive for the category "live blog"

Vegas Weekend Phase 3: @ Matt's – LIVE BLOG

Comments 38 by Rebecca Bollwitt

18:40 – I’m sitting in Matt’s Las Vegas getaway, chatting to Jennie Roth – long time Matt fan, while watching as his fans from around the continent try to take in this whole experience. I met up with the other attendees at 3:00pm and it was nice to get to know people before all coming […]

DemoCamp Vancouver Liveblog

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

What’s going on? From the wiki: Unlike other iterations of DemoCamp, the Vancouver event covers all industries. Idea people will be presenting innovations on all things ranging from business to charity, high-technology to high-art. The purpose is to encourage a cross-pollination of industries and individuals in hopes that people engaged in unrelated endeavors might provide […]

Liveblogging – Is it worth it?

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve done a few live blogs in my time… well maybe about 3 or 4, the most “valuable” being the live blog of Matthew Good‘s living room performance back in August [Miss604]. Seth Godin recently made some valid points about liveblogging as a medium – something he observed at a recent conference. Compare these liveblog […]