Over the last few weeks my company, sixty4media, has themed, coded, and tweaked quite a few WordPress sites (and even more over the years before we even had the company). I am often asked what I use to code or theme so here are some of the tools that make my life a whole lot […]
Each year around the time of my blogiversary I write a reflective post or hold a contest. For 2008 I’m going to invite everyone celebrate the online efforts of others from across the region with the Best of 604, since being ‘hyper-local’ is what I do. As often as I can, I try to highlight […]
Although you don’t win anything but bragging rights and a badge for your sidebar, I still like the Canadian Blog Awards as they are people-powered and they always introduce me to some great blog and sites across our nation [Canadian Blog Awards 2007].
While recording an episode of The Crazy Canucks Podcast tonight, my co-host Alanah mentioned she did a Wordle of a Patrick Roy conference call. As this was the first time I had heard of Wordle I looked into it and even made my own based on my current feed. You can input a block of […]
While in the middle of my weekly segment on Talk1410am my computer screen flickered and my Gmail turned blue. Thinking something was amiss, I immediately signed out of my account. Once I logged in again I took notice of a little message at the top of the Gmail window – hello themes!. I know there […]