Science BC Summer Program for Students Giveaway
byScience BC Summer Program for Students Giveaway – Enter to win a science unit for a student (grade 5-9) focusing on Life Science, Physics, Earth Science, or Chemistry
Science BC Summer Program for Students Giveaway – Enter to win a science unit for a student (grade 5-9) focusing on Life Science, Physics, Earth Science, or Chemistry
The Surrey Art Gallery presents two solo exhibitions this summer: Cindy Mochizuki: Autumn Strawberry and Henry Tsang: Hastings Park from June 26 to August 28
June Events in Metro Vancouver 2021 – activities and events around the Vancouver and Fraser Valley regions
Wings and Wizards Vancouver Giveaway – enter to win a family six pack of tickets and a ‘magic’ wand for your adventure at BC Place this summer
Registration is open for summer EcoCamps in Stanley Park, hosted by the Stanley Park Ecology Society. SPES also offers at-home programming with the Critter Club.