This past fall, I was the official live blogger for Vancouver’s first Facebook Developer (and Design) Garage and I’ll be back again for an upcoming event later this month which will feature the Facebook Awards. The first ever Facebook Awards: Best of the West, brought to us by some great sponsors, will feature applications that […]
Cool trains, nifty buses running us all over town, happy little sea buses carting us over to the mountainous North Shore, why wouldn’t we have a TransitCamp in this town? I think for the most part though, the main issues raised at TransitCamp were more buses, more scheduled times, more access and more info is […]
Update: The Official Live Blog Will Begin at 5:30pm, October 23rd, 2007 over on this post. It’s one of the top sites in the nation and anyone who is not on it yet (who had held out this long) deserves a medal. Facebook has exploded in popularity since opening its doors to the general public […]
Thursday evening I attended Launch Party Vancouver. They had the entire restaurant, Section 3, booked up and anyone from PR professionals to tech geeks were able to mix, mingle and schmooze over appies. I’ll leave the Launch Party explanation to Boris: “…what I can best summarize as being a social gathering for Vancouver’s tech community, […]
After a wild and crazy night of meet n’ greets here we are. Good morning Barcampers! I started blogging this morning on the bus (in tribute to Tony) and I will be posting content throughout the day today. It won’t be a true live blog but recaps and updates from today’s unconference will be published […]