I decided to attend the panel just ahead of my own in order to get some inspiration, and to get over some nervousness and jitters. Moderated by Chris Breikss of 6S Marketing (the folks who were playing Guitar Hero on the tradeshow floor) Online Marketing 101 featured David Scott of Entellium, Fred Vallaeys of Google […]
The Massive Tech Show at the Vancouver Convention Centre is in full swing. If you can look past the three setups of Guitar Hero, the Dance Dance Revolution and the mechanical bull ride, it’s been pretty informative so far. Tech companies, network solutions and content management specialists are all represented with a few “green” companies […]
Update: I can no longer attend BlogHer and am looking to transfer my full conference pass to someone else (for a discount). Please contact me if you are interested. Last year I wanted to attend BlogHer in Chicago, however since we were still pretty much a single income household at that time (and my passport […]
Meet Your Monsters: Solving Traditional Broadcast Webmares “The digital world is not all that scary – despite the monsters under your mainframe! This panel will focus on successful case studies in how the medium is being used effectively. The players will present new models for the future.” [Bridging Media – Session] Panelists: Boris Mann: Raincity […]
Monetize, Monetize, Monetize! “Where’s the money? How do we get it? Changing the mentality of the traditional business model is the name of the game. Case study examples and conversation around how building an online presence and community strengthens producers’ abilities to monetize multi-media platforms and projects.” [Bridging Media – Session] Panelists: Jordan Behan: Tell […]