Camp in the social media realm is basically a code name for a get together, an unconference, or impromtu meetups with likeminded individuals. At least that’s my explanation for all the DemoCamps, BarCamps, DrunkCamps, NerdCamps out there. The latest to hit Vancouver is VinoCamp, a one-day celebration of the finest vintage and grapey beverages around. […]
I’m going to call this a day blog as I won’t be live blogging per se, moreso collecting thoughts, sharing links, and posting information throughout the day. Right now on the Convergence 2008 main stage Grant McCracken is talking about Digital Cultures: McCracken looks at the places where culture and commerce, anthropology and economics meet […]
In terms of workshops dedicated to the development and discussion of Content Management Systems (CMS) we’ve recently had DrupalCamp, WordCamp, and now it’s time for Canada’s largest-ever Joomla! Day. On June14th 2008 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 please join us to celebrate what could be the largest Joomla! Day in Canada! We will be getting […]
Due to family business this morning (which always comes before the blogging world) I had to miss about 85% of DrupalCamp Vancouver. The good news is that John was here all day and the first words out of his mouth when he saw me were, “whoa! there’s some really cool theming going on.” This leads […]
VIDFEST (Vancouver International Digital Festival) 2008 is fast-approaching and I’m just now beginning to comprehend how many elements, conferences, galas and events all fit under its 4-day festival umbrella. The Vancouver International Digital Festival is an event for the top creative minds working in digital media. Join visionaries from games and digital entertainment, Web 2.0, […]