February will be full of shows, festivals, workshops, Black History Month and Chinese New Year events, and BC’s first Family Day stat holiday. The following events have been submitted for listing and be sure to bookmark this post as it’s updated every day. Photo credit: Mack Faviell Photos on Flickr Events in green (like festivals […]
The Stanley Park Ecology Society is celebrating their 25th anniversary with activities this Sunday February 3rd from 11:00am to 3:00pm at the Lost Lagoon Nature House. Create your own craft creatures or build a cone bird feeder, learn about weaving with natural materials, take a Wetland Wildlife Walk (1 hour), learn about the wildlife that […]
The We Create Change penny drive was launched last year to support clean water projects around the world. It is an initiative of Free the Children, the presenters of We Day which encourages school kids to get involved in their community, and also help their community assist others. 4 water jugs filled with pennies equals […]
The second annual Stop Bullying Film Contest in Surrey is underway as students from grades 6 to 12 are invited to submit a 30 or 60 second film that identifies types of bullying, the impact that bullying has on people, and solutions to the problem. The judging panel was recently announced and it includes Mayor […]
BC will have its first Family Day stat holiday on Monday, February 11, 2013 and with that comes the scramble for activities and events to keep all those with time off from the office or school occupied. In anticipation of the new holiday, local attractions have been posting special offers for families to enjoy together: […]