Seasonal Symbiosis in Stanley Park – This month’s Stanley Park Ecology Society guest post, contributed by Ben Hill. While flowers are long gone, there are still many ways that plants and animals rely on each other during the winter months.
8 Ways to Enjoy a Night Out in Coquitlam When Visiting Lights at Lafarge: Hot chocolate or craft beer, shopping or manicures, wave pool swims, family movie nights and more.
BC’s largest outdoor carolling competition, Yule Duel takes to the streets of Gastown on Thursday, December 7, 2017 to fill the neighbourhood with holiday cheer, for a great cause! Wander from show to show, and for a $5 donation to May’s Place Hospice, you can purchase a button and vote for the choir you enjoy the most.
Free Christmas Activities in Metro Vancouver 2017 including Surrey, Langley, Richmond, New Westminster, and the North Shore. Free and festive events and attractions.
5 Things You Can Recycle, But Probably Didn’t Know That You Could: Recycle BC has the very easy, and straightforward, “What Can I Recycle” tool to help you sort your discarded items.