Danny Dang – “Danny Dang is a blogger, wannabe photographer, systems administrator, technophile, and a full time geek.” Twitter brought us together virtually and Fraser Valley WordCamp joined us in person… albeit again through Twitter while I was giving my presentation. Danny’s website: DannyDang.com Danny’s cause: BCSPCA Paws for a Cause Danny’s Blogathon motivation: “My […]
Mehnaz Thawer – Mehnaz was one of the first people to sign up for Blogathon Vancouver, and this truly inspired me (and made me thankful I’d found her super entertaining blog). She was able to reach out to her charity and they even included her Blogathon effort in a press release: “Blogging is an excellent […]
Jenn Lowther/Nadia Nascimento – Jenn and Nadia of Invoke are social media stars in their own right. Singing the praises of Twitter, present at many meetups and always with a funny story to share or a story that turns out being hysterical anyway. These two are dedicated their time this weekend on their corporate site […]
Chris Richardson – Although Tagga has yet to launch to the public, one of Vancouver’s newest startups has signed on to the Blogathon being one of two companies that have taken on this challenge for such a good cause. They’ve been posting so far about some of Tagga’s features which look like some pretty cool […]
Barbara Doduk – Being one of the two blogs I read during Blogathon 2006, I’ve been a fan of Barbara’s site ever since. She’s got her own style, her own thoughts and opinions and isn’t afraid to go against the frey – which is quite often refreshing. She’s had the great of idea of having […]