Dress for Success will host the Success Luncheon on November 3rd to celebrate and inspire business leaders in our community. Featured panelists include Lynne Platt, U.S. Consul General, Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia, CEO of Century Plaza Hotel and Spa, and Ratana Stephens, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Nature’s Path Foods. Success Luncheon What: Dress For Success Vancouver Success […]
Spring clean in autumn and benefit Canuck Place Children’s Hospice as they host a clothing and textiles drive in Abbotsford and Vancouver. Stop by the Canuck Place Clothing Drive at these locations: Canuck Place – Dave Lede House 32772 Marshall Road, Abbotsford Wednesday, October 19, 2016 8:00am to 6:00pm Canuck Place – Glen Brae 1690 […]
The 3rd annual Chefs’ Charity Dinner, a fundraiser for the Dan Snook Trust Foundation (Dan’s Legacy), is coming up October 27th. Chef Sean Cousins, along with four other top chefs in Vancouver, will create a menu of culinary masterpieces guaranteed to delight the senses. The evening begins with a selection of cocktails and canapés followed […]
At this time of year eerie amusements with the sole purpose of scaring your proverbial pants off pop up all around town. These haunted house attractions have activities for the little ones all the way up to frightening fun for adults. Haunted Mansion at the PNE. Photo by Phillip P on Flickr Surrey What: Potter’s […]
There is a new haunted house fundraiser this season, taking over the Beaumont Studios gallery space with a Haunted Circus theme, from October 14th to October 31st. Haunted Circus Where: Beaumont Studios (316 West 5th Ave, Vancouver) When: Sun – Wed 3:00pm to 10:00pm; Thurs – Sat 3:00pm to 2:00am Admission Adults (over 12) $10, […]