I found an incoming link on my WordPress dashboard this evening from Vancouvergo.com. Now I’ve seen these types of sites before, sometimes the just look for syndicated blog posts or news articles about a certain topic, in this case “Vancouver”, and conglomerate that information onto one big website or source. That’s all fine and dandy […]
This should really be called, Liveblogging: Explained or how Miss604 does it – cause I’m sure there are numerous methods, but although I am no expert or professional, over the last year I’ve done a handful of live blogs at events and conferences. One question that always comes up is “how does it work?” so […]
Aside from worrying about not being tan enough, or having the right summer outfit, there’s a new front for non-anorexic-sized women to battle this summer. Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr In the series Seinfeld, muffin tops were coveted items [wiki]. They were sold alone and not with the actual muffin itself because they’re the tastiest […]
“On-line journals have become hot tool for those looking to land a position or ferret out new opportunities” – Mary Gooderham [Globe & Mail] I was sitting at work the other day and someone handed me the Careers page of the Globe and Mail – not being immediately insulted I noticed the headline he was […]
What’s going on? From the wiki: Unlike other iterations of DemoCamp, the Vancouver event covers all industries. Idea people will be presenting innovations on all things ranging from business to charity, high-technology to high-art. The purpose is to encourage a cross-pollination of industries and individuals in hopes that people engaged in unrelated endeavors might provide […]